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Field Identification of Matricaria chamomilla using a Portable qPCR System

Published: October 10th, 2020



1Herbalife NatSource (Hunan) Natural Products Co., Ltd., 2Corporate Quality Laboratory, Herbalife International of America, Inc., 3Corporate Quality, Herbalife International of America, Inc., 4Hyris Ltd, 5Natural Health Product Research Alliance, University of Guelph


Quality control in botanical products begins with the raw material supply. Traditionally, botanical identification is performed through morphological assessment and chemical analytical methods. However, the lack of availability of botanists, especially in recent years, coupled with the need to enhance quality control to combat the stresses on the supply chain brought by increasing consumer demand and climate change, necessitates alternative approaches. The goal of this protocol is to facilitate botanical species identification using a portable qPCR system on the field or in any setting, where access to laboratory equipment and expertise is limited. Target DNA is amplified using dye-based qPCR, with DNA extracted from botanical reference materials serving as a positive control. The target DNA is identified by its specific amplification and matching its melting peak against the positive control. A detailed description of the steps and parameters, from hands-on field sample collection, to DNA extraction, PCR amplification, followed by data interpretation, has been included to ensure that readers can replicate this protocol. The results produced align with traditional laboratory botanical identification methods. The protocol is easy to perform and cost-effective, enabling quality testing on raw materials as close to the point of origin of the supply chain as possible.

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Keywords Matricaria Chamomilla

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