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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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The present protocol demonstrates the development of electrolyte-gated graphene field-effect transistor (EGGFET) biosensor and its application in biomarker immunoglobulin G (IgG) detection.


In the current study, graphene and its derivatives have been investigated and used for many applications, including electronics, sensing, energy storage, and photocatalysis. Synthesis and fabrication of high quality, good uniformity, and low defects graphene are critical for high-performance and highly sensitive devices. Among many synthesis methods, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), considered a leading approach to manufacture graphene, can control the number of graphene layers and yield high-quality graphene. CVD graphene needs to be transferred from the metal substrates on which it is grown onto insulating substrates for practical applications. However, separation and transferring of graphene onto new substrates are challenging for a uniform layer without damaging or affecting graphene's structures and properties. Additionally, electrolyte-gated graphene field-effect transistor (EGGFET) has been demonstrated for its wide applications in various biomolecular detections because of its high sensitivity and standard device configuration. In this article, poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-assisted graphene transferring approach, fabrication of graphene field-effect transistor (GFET), and biomarker immunoglobulin G (IgG) detection are demonstrated. Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy were applied to characterize the transferred graphene. The method is shown to be a practical approach for transferring clean and residue-free graphene while preserving the underlying graphene lattice onto an insulating substrate for electronics or biosensing applications.


Graphene and its derivatives have been investigated and used for many applications, including electronics1,2, sensing3,4,5, energy storage6,7, and photocatalysis1,6,8. Synthesis and fabrication of high quality, good uniformity, and low defects graphene are critical for high-performance and highly sensitive devices. Since the development of Chemical vapor deposition (C....


1. Transferring chemical vapor deposition of graphene

  1. Cut the graphene sheet on a copper substrate in half (2.5 cm x 5 cm) using scissors. Apply heat resistive tape to fix the four corners of the graphene square on a spinner gasket (see Table of Materials).
    NOTE: The purchased graphene has a dimension of 5 cm x 5 cm (see Table of Materials).
  2. Spin-coat the sheet of the graphene with a thin layer (100-200 nm) of PMMA 495K A4 spinning at 500 rpm.......

Representative Results

The representative results show the transferred CVD graphene characterized by Raman and AFM, respectively. The G peak and the 2D peaks of the Raman image give comprehensive information regarding the existence and the quality of the transferred monolayer graphene32 (Figure 1). Standard lithography processes30,31 were applied for fabricating the GFET device, as shown in Figure 2.


The purchased CVD graphene on copper film needs to be trimmed to the right size for the following fabrication steps. Cutting of the films can cause wrinkling, which needs to be prevented. The parameters provided in the fabrication step can be referred to for plasma etching of graphene, and these numbers could be varied when using different instruments. The etched sample must be closely monitored and inspected to ensure complete graphene etching. Multiple pre-cleaning methods can be applied to clean the substrates, such a.......


The experiments were conducted at West Virginia University. We acknowledge the Shared Research Facilities at West Virginia University for device fabrication and material characterization. This work was supported by the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF1916894.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1-pyreneutyric acid N- hydroxysuccinimide esterSigma Aldrich457078-1Gfunctionalization
Asylum MFP-3D Atomic Force MicroscopeOxford Instrumentsgraphene characterization
AZ 300 MIFMicroChemicalsAZ 300 MIFphotoresist developer
AZ 300 MIFMicroChemicalsAZ 300 MIFphotoresist
Bovine Serum AlbuminSigma Aldrich810014blocking
Branson 1210 SonicatorSONITEKsample cleaning
Copper EtchantSigma Aldrich667528-500MLremoving copper film to release graphene
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)VWR97063-136functionalization
Disposable Biopsy Punches, Integra MiltexVWR21909-144create well in PDMS
Gold etchantGold Etch, TFA, Transene658148enchant
GrapheneGraphene supermarket2" x 2" sheetbiosensing element of the device
IgG aptamerBase Pair Biotechnologiescustomizedbioreceptor
Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter AnalyzerTektronixmeasurement and detection
KMG CR-6KMG chemicals64216Chromium etchant
Kurt J. Lesker E-beam EvaporatorKurt J. Leskermetal deposition
Laurell Technologies 400 SpinnersLaurell TechnologiesWS-400BZ-6NPP/LITEthin film coating
March PX-250 Plasma AsherMarch Instrumentssample cleaning
Nickel etchantNickel Etchant, TFB, Transene600016000etchant
OAI Flood ExposureOAIphotolithography
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)Sigma Aldrich806552-500MLbuffer
PMMA 495K A4MicroChemicalsPMMA 495K A4Photoresist for assisting graphene transferring
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)Sigma AldrichSylgard 184sample delivery well
Renishaw InVia Raman MicroscopeRenishawgraphene characterization
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)Sigma Aldrich221465-25Gfunctionalization
Suss Microtech MA6 Mask AlignerSuss MicroTecphotolithography
Thermo Scientific Cimarec HotplateThermo ScientificSP131635sample and device Baking


  1. Saini, D. Synthesis and functionalization of graphene and application in electrochemical biosensing. Nanotechnology Reviews. 5 (4), 393-416 (2016).
  2. Emtsev, K. V., Bostwick, A., Horn, K., et al.

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