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  • Protocol
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We present a detailed protocol for mouse embryo culture and imaging that enables 3D + time imaging of cardiac progenitor cells. This video-toolkit addresses the key skills required for successful live imaging otherwise hard to acquire from text-only publications.


The first steps of heart development imply drastic changes in cell behavior and differentiation. While analysis of fixed embryos allows studying in detail specific developmental stages in a still snapshot, live imaging captures dynamic morphogenetic events, such as cell migration, shape changes, and differentiation, by imaging the embryo as it develops. This complements fixed analysis and expands the understanding of how organs develop during embryogenesis. Despite its advantages, live imaging is rarely used in mouse models because of its technical challenges. Early mouse embryos are sensitive when cultured ex vivo and require efficient handling. To facilitate a broader use of live imaging in mouse developmental research, this paper presents a detailed protocol for two-photon live microscopy that allows long-term acquisition in mouse embryos. In addition to the protocol, tips are provided on embryo handling and culture optimization. This will help understand key events in early mouse organogenesis, enhancing the understanding of cardiovascular progenitor biology.


The heart forms early during embryogenesis to start pumping nutrients to the whole embryo, while it continues developing1. In mouse embryos, one and a half days after the initiation of gastrulation, a rudimentary heart organ assembles at the anterior pole2,3. By Early Streak (ES) stage, cardiac progenitors in the epiblast ingress through the primitive streak to the nascent mesodermal layer4,5,6 and start migrating to the anterior pole, where they differentiate to form the primitive heart tube. ....


All animal procedures were approved by the CNIC Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee, by the Community of Madrid (Reference PROEX 220/15) and conformed to EU Directive 2010/63EU and Recommendation 2007/526/EC regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes, enforced in Spanish law under Real Decreto 1201/2005.

This protocol includes the use of two males from the fluorescent transgenic mouse line reporting NOTCH activity Tg(CBF:H2BVenus,+)

Representative Results

We used the protocol to visualize NOTCH signaling activation in early cardiac progenitors about to differentiate to endothelial cells during primitive heart tube morphogenesis. For that, we crossed wild-type C57BL/6-N mice with Tg(CBF:H2BVenus,+) mice18 to obtain embryos reporting NOTCH activity through yellow fluorescent protein Venus. At E7.5, Venus fluorescence is present throughout the neural ectoderm, with a few positive nuclei at the splanchnic and extraembryonic mesoderm. After 4 h, endothe.......


Early heart progenitors organize in a primitive heart tube that starts beating while it is still forming. Understanding how this process takes place is key to pinpoint the wide spectrum of congenital heart defects to specific morphogenetic events. For that, live imaging offers an opportunity to study normal and defective embryonic development with increased temporal resolution. This is especially useful to study early cardiac progenitor cells as they transition quickly through multiple differentiation and migration behav.......


The authors acknowledge Dr. Kenzo Ivanovitch for previous work on this method and the group of Dr. Shigenori Nonaka (National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan) for providing the initial expertise on embryo mounting. This study was supported by Grant PGC2018-096486-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Grant H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-722427 from the EU Horizon 2020 program to MT and Grant 1380918 from the FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 Operating Program to JND. MS was supported by a La Caixa Foundation PhD fellowship (LCF/BQ/DE18/11670014) and The Company of Biologists travelling fellowship (DEVTF181145). The CNIC is supported by the Spanish....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
#55 ForcepsDumont 11295-51
35 mm Dish with glass coverslip bottom 14 mm DiameterMattekP35G-1.5-14-C
35 mm vise table GrandadoSKU 8798771617573
50 mL tubesBD Falcon352070
Distilled water
DMEM - Dulbecco's Modified Eagle MediumGibco11966025 with L-Glutamine, without Glucose, without Na Pyruvate
Fetal Bovine SerumInvitrogen10438-026
Fluorescent reporter transgenic mice (Tg(CBF:H2BVenus,+) JAX
Fluorobrite DMEMThermoFisherA1896701 DMEM for live-cell imaging
High-vacuum silicone greaseDow CorningZ273554-1EA
Holder for wiresPerlen Pressenpwb1
LSM 780 Upright microscopeZeiss 
MaiTai Deepsee far red pulsed-laser tuned at 980 nmSpectra-Physics
Non Descanned Detectors equipped with the filter sets
cyan-yellow (BP450-500/BP520-560), green-red (BP500-520/BP570-610) and yellow-red (BP520-560/BP645-710)
Obj: 20x water dipping 1.0 NA, long working distanceZeiss 
P1000 and P200 pipettes
Paraffin OilNidaconVNI0049
Penicillin-streptomycinInvitrogen15070-063(the final concentration should be 50 μg/mL penicillin and 50 μg/mL streptomycin)
Petri dishes 35 mm x 10 mmBD Falcon351008
Pipette tips
Polymethyl methacrylate Reused from old laboratory equipment
Rat Serum culture embryo, male rats SPRAGUE DAWLEY RjHan SDJanvier Labs9979
Set of 160 mm finesRS PRO541-6933
Standard 1.0 mm glass capillariesAnima Lab 1B100F-3
Sterile 0.22 μm syringe filterCorning431218
Sterile 5 mL syringeFisher Scientific15809152
Tungsten needles
Ultrasonic homogeniser (sonicator)BandelinBASO_17021


  1. Tyser, R. C. V., et al. Calcium handling precedes cardiac differentiation to initiate the first heartbeat. eLife. 5, 17113 (2016).
  2. Kelly, R. G., Buckingham, M. E., Moorman, A. F. Heart fields and cardiac morphogenesis.

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