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Here, we describe some established methods to determine endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and unfolded protein response (UPR) activation, with particular emphasis on HIV-1 infection. This article also describes a set of protocols to investigate the effect of ER stress/UPR on HIV-1 replication and virion infectivity.


Viral infections can cause Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress due to abnormal protein accumulation, leading to Unfolded Protein Response (UPR). Viruses have developed strategies to manipulate the host UPR, but there is a lack of detailed understanding of UPR modulation and its functional significance during HIV-1 infection in the literature. In this context, the current article describes the protocols used in our laboratory to measure ER stress levels and UPR during HIV-1 infection in T-cells and the effect of UPR on viral replication and infectivity.

Thioflavin T (ThT) staining is a relatively new method used to detect ER stress in the cells by detecting protein aggregates. Here, we have illustrated the protocol for ThT staining in HIV-1 infected cells to detect and quantify ER stress. Moreover, ER stress was also detected indirectly by measuring the levels of UPR markers such as BiP, phosphorylated IRE1, PERK, and eIF2α, splicing of XBP1, cleavage of ATF6, ATF4, CHOP, and GADD34 in HIV-1 infected cells, using conventional immunoblotting and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We have found that the ThT-fluorescence correlates with the indicators of UPR activation. This article also demonstrates the protocols to analyze the impact of ER stress and UPR modulation on HIV-1 replication by knockdown experiments as well as the use of pharmacological molecules. The effect of UPR on HIV-1 gene expression/replication and virus production was analyzed by Luciferase reporter assays and p24 antigen capture ELISA, respectively, whereas the effect on virion infectivity was analyzed by staining of infected reporter cells. Collectively, this set of methods provides a comprehensive understanding of the Unfolded Protein Response pathways during HIV-1 infection, revealing its intricate dynamics.


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by a gradual reduction in the number of CD4+ T-lymphocytes, which leads to the progressive failure of immune response. Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) is the causative agent of AIDS. It is an enveloped, positive sense, single-stranded RNA virus with two copies of RNA per virion and belongs to the retroviridae family. Production of high concentrations of viral proteins within the host cell places excessive stress on the protein folding machinery of the cell1. ER is the first compartment in the secretory pathway of eukaryotic cells. It is in charge of producing, altering....


NOTE: The cell lines used here are HEK-293T and Jurkat J6 (a CD4+T cell line), which were obtained from the Cell Repository, NCCS, Pune, India; TZM-bl, a HeLa derived cell line that has integrated copies of β-galactosidase and luciferase genes under the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter24 and CEM-GFP (another CD4+ T reporter cell line)25 were obtained from the NIH AIDS Repository, USA.

1. HIV-1 virus stock preparation and storage

  1. HIV-1 virus stock preparation
    NOTE: It is advised to practice biosafety-related international guidelines as available....


In this work, we have described a detailed protocol to study in vitro ER stress and UPR activation upon HIV-1 infection in T-cells (Figure 2). This study also describes methods to analyze the functional relevance of UPR in HIV-1 replication and virion infectivity (Figure 3).

To this purpose, we analyzed the ER stress caused by HIV-1 infection by observing the protein aggregates inside the cell by staining with Thioflavin T. A.......


The scope of the present protocol includes (i) the handling of HIV-1 virus stocks and the measurement of the virus concentration and virion infectivity, (ii) Infection of T-cells with HIV-1 and assessing its effect on ER stress and different markers of UPR, (iii) Effect of knockdown of UPR markers and their effect on HIV-1 LTR driven gene activity, virus production and virion infectivity and (iv) Overstimulating the UPR using pharmacological molecule and analyzing its effect on HIV-1 replication. Using the present set of.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


We thank the National Centre for Cell Science, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, for intramural support. AT and AD are grateful for the Ph.D. research support received from the National Centre for Cell Science, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. DM is thankful for the JC Bose National Fellowship from SERB, Government of India.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AcrylamamideBiorad, USA1610107
AgaroseG-Biosciences, USARC1013
Ammonium persulphateSigma-Aldrich, USAA3678
anti-ATF4 antibodyCell Signaling Technology, USA11815Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-ATF6 antibodyAbcam, UKab122897Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-CHOP antibodyCell Signaling Technology, USA2897Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-eIF2α antibodySanta Cruz Biotechnology, USAsc-11386Western blot detection Dilution-1:2000 
anti-GADD34 antibodyAbcam, UKab236516Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-GAPDH antibodySanta Cruz Biotechnology, USAsc-32233Western blot detection Dilution-1:3000 
anti-HSPA5 antibodyCell Signaling Technology, USA3177Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-IRE1 antibodyCell Signaling Technology, USA3294Western blot detection Dilution-1:2000
Anti-mouse HRP conjugate antibody Biorad, USA1706516Western blot detection Dilution- 1:4000
anti-peIF2α antibodyInvitrogen, USA44-728GWestern blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-PERK antibodyCell Signaling Technology, USA5683Western blot detection Dilution-1:2000
anti-pIRE1 antibodyAbcam, UKab243665Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
anti-pPERK antibodyInvitrogen, USAPA5-40294Western blot detection Dilution-1:2000
Anti-rabbit HRP conjugate antibodyBiorad, USA1706515Western blot detection Dilution- 1:4000
anti-XBP1 antibodyAbcam, UKab37152Western blot detection Dilution-1:1000
Bench top high speed centrifugeEppendorf, USA5804RRotor- F-45-30-11
Bench top low speed centrifugeEppendorf, USA5702RRotor- A-4-38
Bis-AcrylamideBiorad, USA1610201
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)MP biomedicals, USA160069
Bradford reagentBiorad, USA5000006
CalPhos mammalian Transfection kitClontech, Takara Bio, USA631312Virus stock preparation
CEM-GFPNIH, AIDS Repository, USA3655
Clarity ECL substrateBiorad, USA1705061chemiluminescence detecting substrate
Clarity max ECL substrateBiorad, USA1705062chemiluminescence detecting substrate
Confocal laser scanning microscopeOlympus, JapanModel:FV3000
Cytospin centrifugeThermo Fisher Scientific, USAASHA78300003
DMEMInvitrogen, USA11995073
DMSOSigma-Aldrich, USAD2650
dNTPsPromega, USAU1515
DTTInvitrogen, USAR0861
EDTAInvitrogen, USA12635
EtBrInvitrogen, USA`15585011
Fetal Bovine SerumInvitrogen, USA16000044
G418Invitrogen, USA11811023
Glutaraldehyde 25%Sigma-Aldrich, USAG6257Infectivity assay
GlycineThermo Fisher Scientific, USAQ24755
HEK-293TNCCS, India
HIV-1 infectious Molecular Clone pNL4-3NIH, AIDS Repository, USA114
Inverted microscopeNikon, JapanModel: Eclipse Ti2
iTaq Universal SYBR Green SupermixBiorad, USA1715124
Jurkat J6NCCS, India
Magnesium chlorideSigma-Aldrich, USAM8266Infectivity assay
MMLV-RT Invitrogen, USA28025013
MTT reagentSigma-Aldrich, USAM5655Cell viability assay
N,N-dimethyl formamideFluka Chemika40255Infectivity assay
NaClThermo Fisher Scientific, USAQ27605
NaFSigma-Aldrich, USA201154
NP40Invitrogen, USA85124
P24 antigen capture ELISA kitABL, USA5421
PageRuler prestained protein ladderSci-fi Biologicals, IndiaPGPMT078
ParaformaldehydeSigma-Aldrich, USAP6148
pEGFP-N1Clontech, USA632515
Penicillin/StreptomycinInvitrogen, USA151140122
Phosphatase InhibitorSigma-Aldrich, USA4906837001
Phusion High-fidelity PCR mastermix with GC bufferNEB,USAM05532
pLKO.1-TRCAddgene, USA10878Lentiviral cloning vector
pMD2.GAddgene, USA12259VSV-G envelope vector
PMSFSigma-Aldrich, USAP7626
Polyethylenimine (PEI) Polysciences, Inc., USA23966
Potassium ferricyanideSigma-Aldrich, USA244023Infectivity assay
Potassium ferrocyanideSigma-Aldrich, USAP3289Infectivity assay
Protease InhibitorSigma-Aldrich, USA 5056489001
psPAX2Addgene, USA12260Lentiviral packaging plasmid
PuromycinSigma-Aldrich, USAP8833Selection of stable cells
PVDF membraneBiorad, USA1620177
Random primersInvitrogen, USA48190011
RPMI 1640Invitrogen, USA22400105
SDSSigma-Aldrich, USAL3771
Steady-Glo substratePromega, USAE2510Luciferase assay
T4 DNA ligaseInvitrogen, USA15224017
TEMEDInvitrogen, USA17919
ThapsigarginSigma-Aldrich, USAT9033
Thioflavin TSigma-Aldrich, USA596200
TrisThermo Fisher Scientific, USAQ15965
Triton-X-100Sigma-Aldrich, USAT8787
TrizolInvitrogen, USA15596018
Tween 20Sigma-Aldrich, USAP1379
TZM-blNIH, AIDS Repository, USA8129
UltracentrifugeBeckman Optima L90K, USA330049Rotor-SW28Ti
UltraPure X-galInvitrogen, USA15520-018Infectivity assay


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Endoplasmic Reticulum ER StressUnfolded Protein Response UPRHIV 1 InfectionT cellsThioflavin T ThT StainingUPR MarkersBiPIRE1PERKEIF2XBP1ATF6ATF4CHOPGADD34HIV 1 ReplicationGene ExpressionVirus ProductionVirion Infectivity

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