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This protocol permits the naked-eye identification of point mutated DNA in a 200-fold excess of wild type DNA molecules, by exploiting gold nanoparticles and paramagnetic microparticles.


The protocol describes a naked-eye colorimetric test for the detection of somatic point mutations in an excess of wild type DNA. The future foreseen application of the method is the identification of rare mutations in circulating cell-free DNA from liquid biopsies, with a relevance in cancer diagnostics and stratification of oncological patients for personalized therapy. As a proof of concept, the test has been designed to detect the BRAFV600E mutation in the BRAF gene, which is important to identify the sub-group of melanoma patients that can benefit from targeted therapies with BRAF inhibitors. However, this colorimetric test can be easily generalized to other somatic mutations of clinical relevance due to the use of universal detection probes, thus providing strong potential in oncological diagnostics.

The test detects 0.5% of BRAFV600E in an excess of BRAFWT DNA, which matches the sensitivity of some commercial instrumental assays. Such sensitivity is clinically relevant for diagnostic purposes, allowing the early identification of drug-sensitive patients. In contrast to commercial assays based on real-time PCR, this test requires minimal instrumentation and processing, as it can be performed on DNA amplified with a standard PCR (or isothermal techniques) and provides a naked-eye readout with a one-tube reaction of a few steps in only one hour. At present, the test has been used only on synthetic DNA samples. However, the latter have been designed to mimic a real sample amplified from circulating cell-free DNA, to favor the translation of the test to clinical diagnostics.


The purpose of the method is to detect underrepresented point mutations in a DNA sample with a minimally instrumented methodology and a naked-eye readout. The final aim is to have a proof-of-principle assay, suitable for future applications in rapid tests for the detection of somatic mutations in circulating cell-free DNA (ccf-DNA) (e.g., from blood biopsy samples) for the early diagnostics and monitoring of cancer1. Cancer-related somatic mutations represent an important cancer biomarker2 and are present in a minor (yet very variable)3 fraction of ccf-DNA, making their identification challenging<....


1. Synthesis of gold nanoparticle probes

  1. Synthesize 40 nm citrate capped gold nanoparticles, using two-steps standard seeding growth method as detailed below.
    1. Synthesize 15 nm citrate capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs seeds) using the classical Turkevich–Frens method13,14.
      1. Wash all glassware with aqua regia (HCl:HNO3 in a 3:1 v/v ratio).
      2. Heat 250 mL of 0.25 mM HAuCl4 to boil while uniformly stirring.
        CAUTION: HAuCl4 is corrosive and toxic.
      3. Immediately add 25 mL of 38.8 mM Na3∙citrate.

Representative Results

This method was used for the detection of BRAFV600E mutation in an excess of BRAFwt synthetic DNA. Figure 1 shows the details of the detection strategy. The assay gives a colorimetric YES/NO result17,18 where red corresponds to a positive result (YES) and yellow to a negative one (NO).

Briefly, streptavidinated paramagnetic microparticles were coated with biotinylated discriminating p.......


The core aspect of the method is the ability to discriminate a target DNA in the context of an excess of interfering non-target DNA, where target and non-target DNA only differ for one single nucleotide. Thus, the design of the probes and the hybridization conditions are critical to achieve a sensitive discrimination. The assay is designed to use universal colorimetric probes to be adapted to the detection of any point mutations of interest. However, it is possible that some minor optimization of the reaction conditions .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Professor Stefano Gustincich (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, IT) for the scientific and financial support. The authors also acknowledge Dr. Maurizio Congedo (Vito Fazzi Hospital, Lecce, IT) and Dr. Paolo Tarantino (Vito Fazzi Hospital, Lecce, IT) for useful scientific discussions. This work was partially supported by the Italian Flagship Project NanoMax.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Bench Top Centrifuge- Allegra X 30Beckman CoulterA99473
DL-DithiothreitolSigma-Aldrich/ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, GermanyD0632-25G
Dynabeads M-280 streptavidin paramagnetic microparticlesInvitrogen11205D
Hydroxylamine sulfateSigma-Aldrich/ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany379913-25G
KDS 100 Legacy Syringe PumpkdScientific789100
NanoDrop OneC spectrophotometerThermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,Waltham, MA, USA)
Phosphate Buffered SalineSigma-Aldrich/ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany806552-500ML
Pierce™ TCEP-HCl, No-Weigh™ FormatThermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,Waltham, MA, USA)A35349
Polyethylene glycol 600Sigma-Aldrich/ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany202401
PTFE 0,22 µm filters, FluoroporeMilliporeFGLP04700
Quant-iT™ OliGreen™ ssDNA Assay KitThermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,Waltham, MA, USA)O11492
Sodium citrate dihydrateSigma-Aldrich/ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, GermanyW302600
Synthetic oligonucleotidesIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT DNA)
Tetrachloroauric(III) acidSigma-Aldrich/ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany520918
Thiolated polyT DNA probesIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT DNA)
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)JEOL JEM 1011 microscope
Zetasizer Nano S - Dynamic Light Scattering SystemMalvern Panalytical


  1. Udayan, G., Marsella, A., Valentini, P. An ultrasensitive colorimetric test for the detection of somatic rare mutations in DNA. Nanoscale. 12 (5), 2973-2979 (2020).
  2. Schwarzenbach, H., Hoon, D. S., Pantel, K. C....

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