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In this protocol, a method for gene mining and sequence analysis of purine nucleosidase (PN, EC: based on RNA-Seq was described. ProtProm analysis was applied to show the unique secondary and tertiary structures of PN. Furthermore, the PN gene was cloned from transcriptome to verify the reliability of RNA-Seq results.


Caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) is one of the most valued fungal Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and it contains plenty of active ingredients such as adenosine. Adenosine is considered as a biologically effective ingredient that has a variety of anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities. In order to further elucidate the mechanism of purine nucleosidase (PN) in adenosine biosynthesis, a gene encoding PN was successfully mined and further analyzed based on the RNA-Seq database of caterpillar fungus. The full-length cDNA of PN was 855 bp, which encoded 284 amino acids. BLAST analysis showed the highest homology of 85.06% with nucleoside hydrolase in NCBI. ProtProm analysis showed that the relative molecular weight was 30.69 kDa and the isoelectric point was 11.55. The secondary structure of PN was predicted by Predict Protein; the results showed that alpha helix structure accounted for 28.17%, strand structure accounted for 11.97%, and loop structure accounted for 59.86%. Moreover, PN gene was further cloned from transcriptome and detected by agarose gel electrophoresis for verification. This study provides more sufficient scientific basis and new ideas for the genetic regulation of adenosine biosynthesis in fungal TCM.


Fungal Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has abundant species resources1,2. Caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) is a well-known fungal TCM and is regarded as a source of innovative drugs3,4. Caterpillar fungus is a worm and fungus combined mixture that is found on the Tibetan plateau in southwestern China, where Hirsutella sinensis is parasitic on the caterpillar body5. Currently, H. sinensis is reported as the only anamorph of caterpillar fungus according to molecular and morphological biolo....


NOTE: A strain of anamorph of caterpillar fungus (H. sinensis) was deposited in our laboratory. Escherichia coli DH5 were preserved by Shenzhen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

1. Preparing for RNA-Seq

  1. Harvesting of mycelia
    1. Prepare fermentation medium for fermentation of H. sinensis: powdered corn flour (1%), silkworm pupae (1.5%), yeast extract (0.5%), tryptone (1%), glucose (1.5%), bran (1.5%), dextrin (0.5%), KH2PO4 (0.02%) and MgSO4 (0.01%).
    2. Prepare inoculation by 10% fermentation medium for scale-up culture (add 10 mL medium ....

Representative Results

The ORF sequence of PN gene was 855 bp in length, which encoded 284 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 30.69 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 11.55, indicating that PN is an alkaline protein. Application of SignalP4.0 Server was conducted to identify signal peptide, and the results indicated that PN has no signal peptides. Moreover, the results of BLASTP search indicated that PN originated from caterpillar fungus shared the highest identity (85.06%, E value = 1e-88) with nucleoside .......


Human health is facing a series of major medical problems such as tumor, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular diseases26,27. TCM has been regarded as the source of research and development of innovative medicine, because of its rich species resources and diverse structure and functions of active ingredients28,29. Caterpillar fungus is a fungal parasite on the larvae of Lepidoptera, and it is an invigorant .......


The authors report no conflicts of interest.


This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871244, 81973733, 81803652), Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2019A1515011555, 2018A0303100007), Shenzhen Foundation of Health and Family Planning Commission (SZBC2018016), Special Fund for Economic and Technological Development of Longgang District of Shenzhen City (LGKCYLWS2020064, LGKCYLWS2019000361).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
RNase-free DNase ITaKaRa2270B
PolyATtract mRNA Isolation SystemsPromegaIII
Random hexamer-primersThermo ScientificSO142
NEBNext1 Ultra RNA Library Prep KitNEBE7530S
PCR extraction kitQiaQuick
AgaroseTransGen BiotechGS201-01
High-throughput sequencerIlluminaHiSeq™ 4,000
LTF ViewerLTFV5.2
ORF programNCBI
ProtParam toolSIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
SignalP ServerDTU Health Tech5.0
Clustal X programUCD Dublin
MEGACenter for Evolutionary Medicine and Informatics4.0
InterProScanEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
Predict ProteinTechnical University of Munich
WISS-MODELSwiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Primer ExpressApplied Biosystems3.0
pMD18-T VectorTaKaRa6011
Trans2K® Plus II DNA MarkerSigma-AldrichBM121-01
6×DNA Loading BufferSigma-AldrichGH101-01
50 x TAESigma-AldrichT1060
Gel imaginganalysis systemSyngeneG:BOX F3
E. coli JM109Promega
T4 DNA ligaseEarthOxBE004A-02


  1. Dong, C. J. The traditional Chinese medicine fungus Cordyceps and its biotechnological production. Research Journal of Biotechnology. 8, 1-2 (2013).
  2. Xia, E. H., et al.

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Gene MiningSequence AnalysisPurine NucleosidaseRNA SeqOphiocordyceps SinensisCaterpillar FungusAdenosineNucleoside HydrolaseSecondary StructureTranscriptome

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