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Presented here is an optimized high-throughput protocol developed with 16-plex tandem mass tag reagents, enabling quantitative proteome profiling of biological samples. Extensive basic pH fractionation and high-resolution LC-MS/MS mitigate ratio compression and provide deep proteome coverage.


Isobaric tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling is widely used in proteomics because of its high multiplexing capacity and deep proteome coverage. Recently, an expanded 16-plex TMT method has been introduced, which further increases the throughput of proteomic studies. In this manuscript, we present an optimized protocol for 16-plex TMT-based deep-proteome profiling, including protein sample preparation, enzymatic digestion, TMT labeling reaction, two-dimensional reverse-phase liquid chromatography (LC/LC) fractionation, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), and computational data processing. The crucial quality control steps and improvements in the process specific for the 16-plex TMT analysis are highlighted. This multiplexed process offers a powerful tool for profiling a variety of complex samples such as cells, tissues, and clinical specimens. More than 10,000 proteins and posttranslational modifications such as phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination in highly complex biological samples from up to 16 different samples can be quantified in a single experiment, providing a potent tool for basic and clinical research.


Rapid developments in mass spectrometry technology have enabled to achieve high sensitivity and deep proteome coverage in proteomics applications1,2. Despite these developments, sample multiplexing remains the bottleneck for researchers handling the analysis of a large sample cohort.

Multiplexed isobaric labeling techniques are extensively used for proteome-wide relative quantitation of large batches of samples3,4,5,6. Tandem mass tags (TMT)-based quantita....


Human tissues for the study were obtained with approvals from the Brain and Body Donation Program at Banner Sun Health Research Institute.

1. Protein extraction from tissue and quality control

NOTE: To reduce the impact of sample harvesting on the proteome, it is crucial to collect samples in minimal time at low temperature if possible31. This is especially important when analyzing posttranslational modifications as they typically are labile, for example, some phosphorylation events only have few seconds of half-life32,33.


Representative Results

The protocol for the newly developed TMT16, including labeling reaction, desalting, and LC-MS conditions, has been systematically optimized41. Furthermore, we directly compared the 11-plex and 16-plex methods by using them to analyze the same human AD samples41. After optimization of the key parameters for TMT16, both TMT11 and TMT16 methods yield similar proteome coverage, identification, and quantification > 100,000 peptides in > 10,000 human proteins.


An optimized protocol for TMT16-based deep proteome profiling has been implemented successfully in earlier publications12,13,41. With this current protocol, more than 10,000 unique proteins from up to 16 different samples can be routinely quantified in a single experiment with high precision.

To obtain high-quality results, it is important to pay attention to critical steps throughout the protocol. In.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was partially supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01GM114260, R01AG047928, R01AG053987, RF1AG064909, and U54NS110435) and ALSAC (American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities). The MS analysis was performed in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Center of Proteomics and Metabolomics, which is partially supported by NIH Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA021765). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10% Criterion TGX Precast Midi Protein GelBiorad5671035
10X TGS (Tris/Glycine/SDS) BufferBioRad161-0772
4–20% Criterion TGX Precast Midi Protein GelBiorad5671095
50% HydroxylamineThermo Scientific90115
6 X SDS Sample Loading BufferBoston Bioproducts IncBP-111R
Ammonium Formate (NH4COOH)Sigma70221-25G-F
Ammonium Hydroxide, 28%Sigma338818-100ml
Bullet BlenderNext AdvanceBB24-AU
Butterfly Portfolio HeaterPhoenix S&TPST-BPH-20
C18 ZiptipsHarvard Apparatus74-4607Used for desalting
Dithiothreitol (DTT)SigmaD5545
Formic AcidSigma94318
Fraction CollectorGilsonFC203B
Gel Code Blue Stain ReagentThermo24592
Glass BeadsNext AdvanceGB05
HPLC Grade AcetonitrileBurdick & JacksonAH015-4
HPLC Grade WaterBurdick & JacksonAH365-4
Iodoacetamide (IAA)SigmaI6125
Mass SpectrometerThermo ScientificQ Exactive HF
MassPrep BSA Digestion StandardWaters186002329
MethanolBurdick & JacksonAH230-4
Nanoflow UPLCThermo ScientificUltimate 3000
Pierce BCA Protein Assay kitThermo Scientific23225
ReproSil-Pur C18 resin, 1.9umDr. Maisch GmbHr119.aq.0003
Self-Pack ColumnsNew ObjectivePF360-75-15-N-5
SepPak 1cc 50mgWatersWAT054960Used for desalting
Sodium DeoxycholateSigma30970
SpeedvacThermo ScientificSPD11V
TMTpro 16plex Label Reagent SetThermo ScientificA44520
Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA)Applied Biosystems400003
Ultra-micro Spin Column,C18Harvard apparatus74-7206Used for desalting
Xbridge Column C18 columnWaters186003943Used for basic pH LC


  1. Levy, M. J., Washburn, M. P., Florens, L. Probing the sensitivity of the orbitrap lumos mass spectrometer using a standard reference protein in a complex background. Journal of Proteome Research. 17 (10), 3586-3592 (2018).
  2. Bekker-Jensen, D. B., et al.

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16 plex Tandem Mass TagTMT LabelingDeep Proteome ProfilingTwo dimensional ChromatographyMass SpectrometryHigh throughput ProteomicsPosttranslational ModificationsPhosphorylationMethylationAcetylationUbiquitination

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