Handwriting analysis has been used to detect, cognitive and motor dysfunctions. Some aspect of handwriting difficulties can be an indicator for MCI, I'm delighted to(inaudible)The main advantage of this study is that it uses a digital handwriting analysis system for simplified Chinese character users. This method can also be applied to the detection of psychomotor retardation in patients with depression, Schizophrenia, or other psychiatric disorders who are simplified Chinese users.
Before beginning and analysis, select a 410 by 265 by 17.5 millimeter USB digitizer with a 3, 840 by 2, 160 dot spatial resolution, a 0.9 by 0.9 millimeter pixel size, a 30 millisecond temporal resolution, and an 8, 192 pressure level, and a handheld stylist pen for the handwriting movements. connect a laptop PC to the digitizer to collect and exhibit the handwriting traces. And install an appropriate data recording, processing, and analyzing software program.
Recruit mild cognitive impairment participants who present with a memory complaint, an objectively impaired memory function, intact activity of daily living, and the absence of Dementia. To perform a handwriting task, use the stylus to create sample Chinese characters in the writing area of the digitizer. Give the digitizer and stylus to the participant and instruct the participant to use the stylus to write their name in Chinese with the dominant hand, while holding the digitizer in a comfortable position.
Next, instruct the participant to use the dominant hand to write the printed version of the Chinese character, Xiang"If the character is being written in the wrong stroke order, stop the trial and trace and show the subject how to write the character in the correct stroke order. If any hesitation is derived from a lack of knowledge, stop the trial and show the participant how to write the character correctly. Then instruct the participant to use the dominant hand to sign their name in Chinese three times.
To analyze the handwriting task data, in the software analysis program, right click on experiment"to select properties, processing, and segmentation. In segmentation flags"click Add first segmentation at any rate"Add last segmentation at any rate"and Move segmentation point to nearest pen down if on a pen lift"In segmentation methods"click on At pen down trajectories"and reset the previously selected segmentation flags parameters. For parameter calculation in Xiang"select the participant and click Handwriting Trials"Use the tracing system to trace the handwriting process and stroke order of Xiang"step-by-step, and locate the segmentation of stroke number three of Xiang"The average absolute velocity will be automatically calculated within the extracted data.
Locate the segmentation of stroke number four of Zhang"The software will automatically calculate the average absolute velocity for strong number four. The pen pressure of each segmentation and average pen pressure will also be calculated by the software. Next, select the participant in Xiang, click handwriting trials and use the tracing system to trace the handwriting process and stroke order of the participant signature step-by-step.
Locate the segmentation of the stroke between the characters. The absolute size and road length will be calculated. Then use the formula to calculate the in-air length tortuosity in the segmentation between characters, As shown in the table, during the writing of the Chinese characters Xiang, elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment exhibited a lower average absolute velocity of the number three, a number four strokes and a higher average pen pressure compared to healthy elderly subjects.
Additionally, during the signing of Chinese names, the elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment exhibited a higher in-air length tortuosity in segmentation between the characters compared to healthy elderly subjects. The most important step is confirming the character legibility, using Xiang as example. The third stroke should be shorter than other horizontal strokes.
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