This protocol is significant because it provides a detailed methodology for vaccinating and ear tagging skunks without the use of chemical immobilization. Trap-vaccinate-release is used as an intensive localized management strategy, most often in combination with other methods to stop the spread of rabies and locally eliminate it in carnivore populations. To begin, put on personal protective equipment, including a face shield or goggles, nitro gloves, and coveralls.
Remove a pair of numbered ear tags from the package and record the ear tag numbers on the data sheet. Place the ear tags in a resealable plastic bag labeled with the ear tag number. Approach the trap quietly and calmly.
If a skunk is captured, use a piece of tarp, burlap, or plastic sheeting to cover the trap and shield oneself from any skunk spray. Then, secure the cover on the trap using a steel spring clamp. Position the trap on its end with the door facing upwards.
Once the captured animal is at the bottom of the trap, open the door and place the wooden plunger inside the trap on the animal's body. Next, remove the rabies vaccine from the cooler and draw one milliliter of the vaccine into the three milliliter syringe. Carefully pull back the cover around the trap to locate a region for vaccine administration.
Insert the needle into the hind leg of the animal and smoothly depress the plunger to administer the vaccine. Dispose of the used syringe in a sharps container. After positioning the trap for ear access, place one metal ear tag into the locating groove on the pliers.
Then, position the open end of the ear tag over the ear and apply gentle pressure until the plier handles stop. With the trap on its end, remove the plunger and close the trap door. Attach the hook end of the handheld scale to the trap.
Gently lift the trap and hold it steady. Record the weight of the trap and animal on the data sheet. After placing the trap down, remove the wrapped cover and place it on the top of the trap.
Lift the trap and position a mirror underneath. Using the animal's reflection in the mirror, determine the sex of the animal and record it on the data sheet. Next, based on the size of the body, estimate the age of the animal as adult or juvenile and record it on the data sheet.
Using a metal clamp, hold the trap door in the open position and allow the animal to exit the trap without pressure. Finally, weigh the empty trap, ensuring that the clips and protective cover remain with it. Subtract this value from the weight recorded earlier to calculate the animal's weight.
The trap-vaccinate-release method proved effective in controlling rabies virus by reducing susceptible wildlife populations. Post trap-vaccinate-release implementation, no new rabies cases were observed demonstrating the effectiveness of the protocol. While working with potential rabies virus vector species, It's important to utilize the correct PPE and never put yourself at risk to being bitten or scratched.
Following the vaccination protocol, we can use the data from recaptured individuals to document recapture rates and estimate local population densities. The implementation of trap-vaccinate-release programs has led to wildlife rabies research and adaptive management projects to improve vaccination coverage in target populations and eliminate rabies variants to meet management objectives.