The physical hallmarks of cancer are relatively new and exciting topics in cancer research. Our research seeks to specifically characterize the mechanical properties of both cancers and non-cancer cells to better understand the physical mechanisms by which cancer cells survive shear forces in the body and invade the immune system. Recent development in my period of research is the use of microfluidic devices and high-throughput techniques to understudy in a larger scale, cellular deformability and the viscoelastic properties of cells, and also in the identification of novel biomarkers such as the regulation of cytoskeletal proteins and extracellular matrix proteins for early cancer diagnosis.
Current experimental challenges involved in this field are the complexity of the tumor microenvironment, scaling throughput, clinical translation, standardization and reproducibility, and integration of multimodal data. So, some of the significant findings I've established in this field from my past research and from my current research is that cancer cells can be distinguished from normal cells based on their responses to mechanical stressors. And the extent to which resist mechanical stressors is dependent on structural integrity, which is dictated to a reasonable extent by the presence of cytoskeletal proteins like the filamentous actin and other structural proteins within the cell.
Our protocol offers a simple, repeatable, and non-destructive approach to characterize cultured cells mechanically. This is in contrast to other techniques like AFM and optical tweezers, which require a certain level of technical expertise in order to perform an experiment in a relatively low throughput. Within the use of the shear acid technique, will greatly advance the single cell mechanical characterization, and will also aid in many different cross-sectional areas such as rare disease diagnosis, personalized diagnosis and care, and monitoring single-cell drug interactions.