Vascular aging and atherogenesis are key mechanisms promoting cardiovascular diseases, particularly in the presence of risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, and other metabolic dysfunctions, pulse wave velocity, flow-mediated dilation, and carotid intima-media thickness, evolving to arterial stiffness, endothelial dysfunction, and subclinical atherogenesis, providing highly valuable information about patients'cardiovascular profile. Using combined metals to assess vascular health, we found that patient with metabolically unhealthy obesity has lower values of flow-mediated dilation or FMD and than patient with metabolically healthy obesity. This finding provide information leading to prevention, early intervention, and reduction of cardiovascular diseases in population at risk.
Determination of vascular elasticity and compliance, as well as mediators of vasodilation and atherosclerosis provide a more comprehensive evaluation of vascular health and disease leading to improve re-stratification and early intervention in the metabolic syndrome population. Our hemodynamic parameters, FMD, and CIMT represent useful diagnostic tools for evaluating cardiovascular risk. Future challenges for these methods include a combined prognostic interpretation where research is still evolving.