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This paper describes a method of abdominal wall closure using tension and apposition sutures in horses undergoing ventral midline laparotomies. It also describes methods for prevention and management of postoperative incisional complications, such as bandaging, negative pressure therapy, and in case of wound breakdown, the application of retention sutures.


Although rarely fatal, complications of ventral midline laparotomy incision in equine patients increase hospitalization cost and duration and may jeopardize return to athletic function. Therefore, many techniques have been developed to reduce their occurrence and expedite their resolution when they occur. Our technique of celiotomy incision closure includes the use of tension sutures (vertical U mattress) of polyglactin 910 on the linea alba, which is then apposed by polyglactin 910 interrupted sutures or a simple continuous pattern suture with a stop midway before routine closure of the superficial layers. The celiotomy incision is protected by an elastic bandage during the immediate postoperative period. This technique has been associated with favorable results: 5.3% confirmed incisional infections after a single celiotomy and 26.7% after repeat celiotomy. The overall incisional complication (serous/sanguineous discharge, hematoma, infection, hernia formation, and complete wound breakdown) occurrence was 9.5% and 33.3% after single and repeat laparotomy, respectively. In cases considered more susceptible to infection (early relaparotomy or laparotomy incisions longer than 30 cm), negative pressure therapy was found easy to apply on closed incisions. No detrimental effects were observed. However, the potential prophylactic benefit of this therapy needs to be confirmed in a larger group. In infected laparotomy wounds requiring drainage, the use of negative pressure therapy seemed to have a positive effect on the formation of granulation tissue. However, there was no control group to allow statistical confirmation. Finally, one case of complete breakdown of the laparotomy incision was managed by stainless steel retention sutures, the application of negative pressure therapy, and a hernia belt. At re-evaluation 15 months post-surgery, several small hernias were detected, but the horse had returned to his previous level of sports performance and had not shown any episode of colic.


The ventral midline celiotomy is the most frequent surgical approach to the abdomen in horses with acute colic1 or in need of cesarean section2. The created ventral incision may be the site of several postoperative complications, such as (sero) sanguineous discharge, infection, hernia formation, and complete wound breakdown3. Except for the case of complete wound breakdown, laparotomy incision complications are rarely fatal, but they increase hospitalization duration and costs and may prevent return to athletic function4,5.


This retrospective study is based on our clinical records. Our practice fully respects the animal care guidelines of our institution, the Equine Clinic of the University of Liège. Animals included in the study were horses and ponies (mares, intact and gelded males) of various breeds (mainly Warmbloods), of various ages (from 5 months to 34 years, with a mean age around 10 years) and of various weights (from 50 kg to 840 kg, with a mean weight around 500 kg).

1. Surgical technique (ventral midline laparotomy for colic or C-section)

  1. Surgical preparation and incision
    1. Preoperatively, administer....


Routine surgical technique for closure of the abdominal incision and postoperative management: Our technique of closure of the linea alba and routine postoperative management have only undergone minor adaptations since their publication in 20203.

Therefore, for horses operated for abdominal pain, the results presented here are those of this retrospective study³, involving 606 laparotomies performed in 564 horses presenting colic signs during the study.......


In our clinic, the technique for closure of the equine abdomen is based on a combination of an interrupted vertical U mattress and apposition sutures on the linea alba. In our experience, disadvantages associated with an interrupted pattern suture, such as a greater amount of suture material within the incision and a slower application5, are balanced by several other advantages. Interrupted vertical mattress sutures are particularly indicated for regions under tension and at risk of .......


The authors declare no conflict of interest with any company trading one of the above-mentioned products.


The authors would like to thank Ms. Jennifer Romainville and Cyrielle Bougeard for their technical help during procedures and all members of the Clinic (especially the anesthetists, residents in surgery, interns, students, and grooms) for their assistance and care to the patients. The owners of the horse operated with the retention sutures are also thanked for answering the long-term follow-up questionnaire and allowing taking pictures of the horse. Finally, the authors thank M. Laurent Leinartz for his help in editing the pictures.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
300 ml canister (with gel) for ACTIV.A.C. Therapy systemKCIM8275058/5 M8275058/10canister for negative pressure therapy
Alfatec 6 HRTX 50Prodivet Pharmaceutical produced by Chirina T InjectaPG0649P6 metric polyglactin 910
Appose ULC Slim Body Skin StaplerCovidien88868037 12skin staples
AquaPharm NaCl 1lEcuphar366 41741 L saline
Bovivet reinforced disposable needle 14G x 3 1/4'' . 2.1 x 80 mmKruuse112462needle used when placing the stainless steel retention sutures
Buster Surgery Cover 120 cm x 180 cmKruuse141 850surgical drapes
Clexane 15.000 UISanofiBE-230185enoxaparin
CM Hernia BeltCM Equine ProductsHernia belt: various sizes, to be adapted to the horse's dimensions 
Cutting plier 24 cm maxi 3 mm 1456Alcyon8387671cutting plier
Dermanios ScrubAniosBE-REG-00679Chlorhexidine digluconate soap 
Dermincise 80 cm x 60 cmVygon38 80 60non-iodophor adhesive drape
Digital Ultrasonic Diagnostic Imaging SystemMindrayDP-50Vetultrasound machine
e bandMillpledgeDQ05100elastic adhesive roll
Ethanol 70%SavetisIsopropyl alcohol
Fil de cerclage AO 1 mm x 10 mAlcyon80220301 mm diameter stainless steel cerclage wire
Flammazine 1% cremeAlliance PharmaBE270505silver sulfadiazine dressing
Flat-nosed pliers 180 mmAlcyon8368113flat-nosed pliers
Furacine Soluble DressingLimacom nvBE300876nitrofurantoin dressing
Genta Equine 100 mg/mlDivasa-FarmavicBE-101491gentamicin
Heparine Leo 5000 U.I./mlLeo1361-559heparin
Info.V.A.C.KCI413781 Rev Bnegative pressure therapy machine
Intrafix  PrimelineB Braun4062182plastic tubing (for buttress effect for retention sutures)
Ioban  56 cm x 60 cm3M6648EUiodophor adhesive film
Iso-Betadine  DermicumMylanBE007077dermic povidone iodine 
Iso-Betadine  Savon MylanBE007095Povidone iodine soap 
Kruuse adhesive sprayKruuse141865adhesive spray
Laparotomy Sheet with Incise Film EclipseMedline29511CEAlaparotomy drape with incise film 
Leukotape  ClassicBSN medical 01703-00adhesive tape
Leukotape  RemoverBSN medical 97285-05Liquid adhesive remover
Meganyl 50 mg/mlSyva4117-446flunixine meglumine
Monocryl 0 CP-1EthiconC2670 metric polyglecaprone, cutting needle
OpsiteSmith and Nephew 66004978Moisture vapour permeable spray dressing
Penicilline 5.000.000 UIKela7E33729E19Sodium Penicillin
Peni-Kel 300.000 UI/mlKela1370-881Procain Penicillin
Poviderm SolEmdokaBE-V196971Povidone iodine in isopropyl alcohol solution 
Prevena Plus Customizable dressingKCIPRE4055Kit for negative pressure therapy on closed wounds
Prontosan B Braun400 505Gel continaing 0,1% Polyaminopropyl Biguanide (polihexanide)
Saddle pad (equine size)CM Equine ProductsSP-E1large foam pad for protection of the horse's back 
SENSAT.R.A.C. PadKCIM8275057/10Pad with central disc for negative pressure therapy
Thilo-Tears Alcon NV233866Polymer eye ointment
Universal Pack EclipseMedline29105CEAuniversal pack (drapes)
V.A.C. DrapeKCIM6275009/10adhesive drape for negative pressure therapy
V.A.C. Granufoam silver DressingKCIM8275099/5 M8275099/10silver foam for negative pressure therapy
Vetivex Ringer Lactate solution 5000 mlDechraBE-V4420325 L Pouch of Lactated Ringer's Solution
Vicryl 2 CTXEthiconV367H2 metric polyglactin 910
Zorbo-G-Padding MillpledgeDX05200Gamgee cotton


  1. Marshall, J. F., Blikslager, A. T., JA, A. u. e. r., Stick, J. A., Kümmerle, J. M., Prange, T. Colic: Diagnosis, Surgical Decision, Preoperative Management, and Surgical approaches to the Abdomen. Equine Surgery (5th edition). , 521-528 (2019).
  2. Woodie, J. B., JA, A. u. e. r., Stick, J. A., Kümmerle, J. M., Prange, T.

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Equine AbdomenVentral Midline LaparotomyIncisional ComplicationsCeliotomy Incision ClosureTension SuturesPolyglactin 910Elastic BandageIncisional InfectionNegative Pressure TherapyGranulation TissueHerniaStainless Steel Retention SuturesHernia Belt

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