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This method can help answer key questions in the next generation's research field.Such as, sensitize architectural base through our cells.The main advantage of this technique is that it is a simple solution process for fabrication of high pheromones carrying through our cells.Demonstrating the procedure will be Eunjeong Hwang, on our seasonal researcher from our laboratory.First, add 20 milometers of ethanol to a 15 milliliter vial containing a magnetic stir bar and seal the vial.Transfer the vial to a nitrogen-filled glove box with a moisture controlled system.Using a syringe with a 0.45 micron PVDF filter, add 1.225 milliliters of titanium isopropoxide to the vial and gently stir the mixture for at least 30 minutes.In a second 50 milliliter vial containing a magnetic stir bar, add 20 milliliters of ethanol, 18 microliters of 70%nitric acid, and 138 microliters of water.Gently stir the mixture for at least 30 minutes.After removing the first vial from the glove box, mix the two solutions by pouring the nitric acid solution into the titanium isopropoxide solution.Stir for more than two hours to obtain the transparent 0.1 molar titanium dioxide blocking layer solution.Inside the glove box, prepare an antimony trichloride stock solution by mixing one millimole of antimony trichloride with one millimeter of DMF.Add a proper amount of the stock solution to a vial containing a given amount of thiourea to achieve the desired molar ratio of antimony trichloride and thiourea.Wash a 25 x 25 millimeter FTO coated glass in an ultrasonic bath with acetone for 10 minutes.After washing with ethanol, instantly dry the FTO glass by blowing compressed air over the sample.Next, treat the FTO glass with a UV ozone cleaner for 20 minutes.After cleaning, spin coat ethanol on the FTO glass at 5, 000 RPM for 60 seconds.Immediately spin coat again with the prepared titanium dioxide blocking layer solution at 5, 000 RPM for 60 seconds.Try the FTO glass on a preheated hot plate at 200

这项工作提供了一个详细的实验程序, 以沉积2S3在介孔的2层, 使用 SbCl3硫脲复合溶液的应用于锑23敏化太阳能电池。本文还确定了控制沉积过程的关键因素。






Synthesis of the TiO2-BL Solution and SbCl3-TU Solutions with Various SbCl3/TU Molar Ratios


Preparation of the Substrate Consisting of mp-TiO2/TiO2-BL/FTO Glass


Deposition of Sb2S3 on the Substrate of mp-TiO2/TiO2-BL/FTO Glass


Fabrication of Sb2S3-sensitized Solar Cells


Results: Deposition of Sb2S3 on Mesoporous TiO2 Layer Using SbCl3-TU Complex




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