Creating a Structurally Realistic Finite Element Geometric Model of a Cardiomyocyte to Study the Role of Cellular Architecture in Cardiomyocyte Systems Biology
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Segment Myofibrils and Mitochondria Regions from the EM 3D Image Dataset
Create a Finite Element Mesh from the Segmented Components
Mathematically Map the Spatially Varying Density of Ion-channels of Interest onto the Finite Element Mesh
Results: A Structurally Realistic Finite Element Geometric Model of a Cardiomyocyte
The overall goal of this procedure is to create a spatially detailed finite element model of the intracellular architecture of a heart cell. This model is created from electron and confocal microscopy data. Such models can be used to study the rol
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This protocol outlines a novel method to create a spatially detailed finite element model of the intracellular architecture of cardiomyocytes from electron microscopy and confocal microscopy images. The power of this spatially detailed model is demonstrated using case studies in calcium signaling and bioenergetics.