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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Results
  • Discussion
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This protocol describes a method for chemical differentiation and culture of neural progenitor cells derived from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs).


iPSC-derived neurons are attractive in vitro models to study neurogenesis and early phenotypic changes in mental illness, mainly when most animal models used in pre-clinical research, such as rodents, are not able to meet the criteria to translate the findings to the clinic. Non-human primates, canines, and porcine are considered more adequate models for biomedical research and drug development purposes, mainly due to their physiological, genetic, and anatomical similarities to humans. The swine model has gained particular interest in translational neuroscience, enabling safety and allotransplantation testing. Herein the generation of porcine iPSCs is described along with its further differentiation into neural progenitor cells (NPCs). The generated cells expressed NPC markers Nestin and GFAP, confirmed by RT-qPCR, and were positive for Nestin, b-Tubulin III, and Vimentin by immunofluorescence. These results show the evidence for the generation of NPC-like cells after in vitro induction with chemical inhibitors from a large animal model, an interesting and adequate model for regenerative and translational medicine research.


Even though many researchers aim to better understand the cellular mechanisms and pathological development of neurological diseases on humans, there are many limitations to using non-invasive techniques on humans such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the impossibility, in most cases, of applying invasive techniques such as tract-tracing and intracellular recording1. It is also challenging to obtain post-mortem brain tissue of good quality since prolonged agonal states of donors may affect the brain and interfere with the studies2. Therefore, there is a necessity for animal models, which have been used for several....


These experiments were approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Experimentation of the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo (permit numbers: n° 5130110517 and n°4134290716).

NOTE: All procedures involving cellular culture and incubations are performed in a controlled atmosphere (38.5 °C and 20% CO2 in air, maximum humidity). Cellular passaging was performed by 5 min incubation with dissociation reagent and cells were recovered after centrifugation (300 x g).

1. Porcine fibroblast reprogramming into iPSC

  1. Experiment preparation....


Characterization of piPSC
The characterization aimed to determine the acquisition of pluripotency of the reprogrammed cells. For that purpose, embryoid formation, immunofluorescence staining for pluripotency markers, and gene expression and spontaneous differentiation into embryoid bodies (EBs) were performed.

Generated cell colonies presented a flat, compact morphology in cell clusters with well-defined borders, as expected for piPSCs16,


Through this protocol, fibroblasts were in vitro reprogrammed using the exogenous expression of OCT4, SOX2, c-MYC, and KLF4. The reprogrammed cells were maintained in vitro for more than 20 passages. When these lineages were submitted to the neuronal differentiation using chemical inhibitors, they expressed the neuronal progenitor cells' markers Nestin and GFAP, confirmed by RT-qPCR, and were positive for Nestin, β-Tubulin III, and Vimentin by immunofluorescence. Interestingly.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Prof. Kristine Freude is acknowledged for the assistance with protocols and scientific discussions. This work was financially supported by grants from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (# 2015/26818-5, # 2017/13973-8 and # 2017/02159-8), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq # 433133/2018-0), and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) (financing code 001).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
293FTInvitrogen# R70007
6 well platesCostar# 3516
anti-B-Tubulin IIIabcam# ab7751
anti-NANOGabcam# ab77095
anti-NESTINMillipore# ABD69
anti-OCT4Santa Cruz biotechnology# SC8628
anti-SOX2abcam# ab97959
anti-SSEA1Millipore# MAB4301
anti-TRA1-60Millipore# MAB4360
anti-VIMENTINabcam# ab8069
B27-Minus Vitamin ALife Technologies# 12587010
DMEM/F-12Life Technologies# 11960
donkey anti-goat 488Invitrogen#  A11055
EGFSigma# E9644
Fetal Bovine SerumGibco# 10099
FGF2Peprotech# 100-18B
GlutaMAXGibco# 35050-061
GlutamineGibco# 25030-081
goat anti-mouse 594Invitrogen#  A21044
goat anti-rabbit 488Invitrogen# A11008
Hexadimethrine bromideSigma Aldrich# 107689
HighCapacity  kitLife Technologies# 4368814
IMDMGibco# 12200-036
KnockOut DMEM/F-12Gibco# 12660-012
Knockout serum replacementGibco# 10828-028
LDN-193189Sigma-Aldrich# SML0559
Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase kitSigma Aldrich# 86R
Lipofectamine P3000™Invitrogen# L3000-015
MatrigelCorning# 354277
Mitomycin CSigma Aldrich# M4287-2MG
N2Life Technologies# 17502048
Nanodrop ND-1000Nanodrop Technologies, Inc.
Neurobasal mediumLife Technologies# 21103049
Non-essential amino-acidsGibco# 11140-050
Penicillin-StreptomycinGibco# 15140-122
Revita CellGibco# A2644501
Rnase outLife Technologies# 10777019
SB431542Stemgent# 72232
StemPro AccutaseGibco# A11105-01
SW28 rotorBeckman Coulter# 342207
TrizolLife Technologies# 15596026
TrypLE ExpressGibco# 12604-021
β-mercaptoethanolGibco# 21985-023


  1. Clowry, G., Molnár, Z., Rakic, P. Renewed focus on the developing human neocortex. Journal of Anatomy. 217 (4), 276-288 (2010).
  2. Mungenast, A. E., Siegert, S., Tsai, L. -. H. Modeling Alzheimer's disease with human induced p....

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Neural Progenitor CellsPorcine Induced Pluripotent Stem CellsPiPSCsDifferentiationNestinGFAPB Tubulin IIIVimentinSwine ModelTranslational NeuroscienceRegenerative MedicineIn Vitro Models

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