Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
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Genetic structuring and transfer of marine dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides in Japanese and Korean coastal waters revealed by microsatellites.
Molecular ecology Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19457209
Specific detection of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense and Alexandrium catenella from single vegetative cells by a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method.
Marine genomics Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22897962
Study of DNA extraction methods for use in loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection of single resting cysts in the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense and A. catenella.
Marine genomics Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22897963
Influences of diurnal sampling bias on fixed-point monitoring of plankton biodiversity determined using a massively parallel sequencing-based technique.
Gene Feb, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26475937
Massively parallel sequencing-based survey of eukaryotic community structures in Hiroshima Bay and Ishigaki Island.
Gene Feb, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26476293
Influence of Temperature on Growth and Production of Pectenotoxin-2 by a Monoclonal Culture of Dinophysis caudata.
Marine drugs Dec, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26633427
Assimilation, Accumulation, and Metabolism of Dinophysistoxins (DTXs) and Pectenotoxins (PTXs) in the Several Tissues of Japanese Scallop Patinopecten yessoensis.
Toxins Dec, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26633503
Easy detection of multiple Alexandrium species using DNA chromatography chip.
Harmful algae Jan, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 28003065
Harmful effects of Dinophysis to the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum: Implications for prey capture.
Harmful algae 11, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 28073509
Applicability of massively parallel sequencing on monitoring harmful algae at Varna Bay in the Black Sea.
Harmful algae 09, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28962989
Thermal acclimation affects growth and lipophilic toxin production in a strain of cosmopolitan harmful alga Dinophysis acuminata.
Harmful algae 03, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29602499
Identification of Causative Ciguatoxins in Red Snappers Lutjanus bohar Implicated in Ciguatera Fish Poisonings in Vietnam.
Toxins 10, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30347818
Comparative genome and transcriptome analysis of diatom, Skeletonema costatum, reveals evolution of genes for harmful algal bloom.
BMC genomics Oct, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30348078
Toxin Profiles of Okadaic Acid Analogues and Other Lipophilic Toxins in from Japanese Coastal Waters.
Toxins Nov, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30404158
Genetic relatedness of a new Japanese isolates of Alexandrium ostenfeldii bloom population with global isolates.
Harmful algae 04, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31128814
Toxic HAB species from the Sea of Okhotsk detected by a metagenetic approach, seasonality and environmental drivers.
Harmful algae 07, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31349888
Monitoring of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in Osaka Bay, Japan using a massively parallel sequencing (MPS)-based technique.
Harmful algae 11, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31672234
Protocols for Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms for Sustainable Aquaculture and Coastal Fisheries in Chile.
International journal of environmental research and public health 10, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 33092111
Development of an absolute quantification method for ribosomal RNA gene copy numbers per eukaryotic single cell by digital PCR.
Harmful algae 03, 2021 | Pubmed ID: 33980448
Fisheries Resources Institute
Kyoko Yarimizu1,
So Fujiyoshi1,
Mikihiko Kawai2,
Jacquelinne J. Acuña3,
Joaquin-Ignacio Rilling3,
Marco Campos3,
Jonnathan Vilugrón4,
Henry Cameron5,
Karen Vergara6,
Gonzalo Gajardo6,
Oscar Espinoza-González4,
Leonardo Guzmán4,
Satoshi Nagai7,
Carlos Riquelme5,
Milko A. Jorquera3,
Fumito Maruyama1
1Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Hiroshima University,
2Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University,
3Scientific and Biotechnological Bioresource Nucleus, Universidad de La Frontera,
4Centro de Estudios de Algas Nocivas, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero,
5Ciencias del Mar y Recursos Biologicos, Universidad de Antofagasta,
6Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Biodiversidad, Universidad de Los Lagos,
7Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Fisheries Resources Institute
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