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Bruker Daltonics Inc.




Single-throughput Complementary High-resolution Analytical Techniques for Characterizing Complex Natural Organic Matter Mixtures
Malak M. Tfaily *1,2, Rachel M. Wilson *3, Heather M. Brewer 1, Rosalie K. Chu 1, Heino M. Heyman 4, David W. Hoyt 1, Jennifer E. Kyle 5, Samuel O. Purvine 1
1Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, 3Department of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Florida State University, 4Bruker Daltonics Inc., 5Biological Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

This protocol describes a single throughput for complementary analytical and omics techniques culminating in a fully-paired characterization of natural organic matter and microbial proteomics in different ecosystems. This approach permits robust comparisons for identifying metabolic pathways and transformations important for describing greenhouse gas production and predicting responses to environmental change.



Histone Modification Screening using Liquid Chromatography, Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry, and Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Meiby Fernandez-Rojas 1, Cassandra N. Fuller 1, Lilian Valadares Tose 1, Matthew Willetts 2, Melvin A. Park 2, Natarajan V. Bhanu 3, Benjamin A. Garcia 3, Francisco Fernandez-Lima 1,4
1Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University, 2Bruker Daltonics Inc., 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Washington University School of Medicine, 4Biomolecular Sciences Institute, Florida International University

An analytical workflow based on liquid chromatography, trapped ion mobility spectrometry, and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TIMS-ToF MS/MS) for high confidence and highly reproducible "bottom-up" analysis of histone modifications and identification based on principal parameters (retention time [RT], collision cross section [CCS], and accurate mass-to-charge [m/z] ratio).



Tracing de novo Lipids using Stable Isotope Labeling LC-TIMS-TOF MS/MS
Katherine D. Castro 1, Lilian Valadares Tose 1, Matthew Willetts 2, Melvin A. Park 2, Marcela Nouzova 3, Fernando G. Noriega 4,5, Francisco Fernandez-Lima 1,6
1Deparment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University, 2Bruker Daltonics Inc., 3Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre CAS, 4Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, 5Department of Parasitology, University of South Bohemia, 6Biomolecular Sciences Institute, Florida International University

Presented here is a method for screening lipid structures through stable isotope labeling by using their retention time, mobility, and fragmentation.

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