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1. マイクロドライブシステム組立

  1. 2つのスタルと可動マイクロドライブを固定するネジを使用して、2つのコンピュータ設計ボードを接続し、コネクタを1つのボードに取り付けます(図1A、Bi-iii)。ネジ(0.5 mm/円)をひねってマイクロドライブを駆動します。
  2. マイクロドライブがMC領域の両側に8本のガイドチューブ(長さ~3 cm、内径~50 μm、外径~125 μm)を2セット搭載できることを確認し、同じ長さ(少なくとも15 mm; 図1Biv, v)。
  3. 直径35μmのNiクロム線(~5cm)を16本切断し、ガイドチューブに連続して装填し、接着剤を塗布して固定します(図1Bi




自由に動くマウスのマルチチャンネル記録は、神経科学研究において有用な技術であると考えられてきましたが、初心者が信号を記録して解析することはまだ非常に困難です。本研究では、マイクロドライブシステムの作成と電極注入の簡易ガイドラインと、スパイクソーティングソフトウェアと神経生理学的データ解析用ソフトウェア を介して 電気信号を捕捉および分析するため?.......







NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2.54 mm pin headerYOUXIN Electronic Co., Ltd.1 x 5Applying for the movable micro-drive which can slide on its stulls.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017AdobeN/ATo optimize images from GraphPad.
BlackRock MicrosystemsBlackrock NeurotechCerebusThis systems includes headsatge, DA convert, amplifier and computer.
Brass nutDongguan Gaosi Technology Co., Ltd.M0.8 brass nutThe nut fixes the position of screw.
Brass screwDongguan Gaosi Technology Co., Ltd.M0.8 x 11 mm brass screwA screw that hold the movable micro-drive.
C57BL/6JGuangdong Zhiyuan Biomedical Technology Co., LTD.N/A12 weeks of age.
Centrifuge tubeBiosharp15 mL; BS-150-MTo store mice brain with sucrose sulutions.
Conducting paintStructure Probe, Inc.7440-22-4To improve the lead-connecting quality between connector pins and Ni-wires.
Conductive copper foil tape3M1181To reduce interferenc.
ConnectorYOUXIN Electronic Co., Ltd.2 x 10PTo connect the headtage to micro-drive system.
DC Power supplyMaishengMS-305DA power device for  electrolytic lesion.
Dental cementShanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd.N/ATo fix the electrode arrays on mouse's skull after finishing the implantation.
Digital analog converterBlackrock128-ChannelA device that converts digital data into analog signals.
Epoxy resinAltecoN/ATo cover pins.
ExcelMicrosoftN/ATo summarize data after analysis.
Eye scissorsJiangXi YuYuan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.N/AFor surgery or cutting the Ni-chrome wire.
Fine forcepsJiangXi YuYuan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.N/AFor surgery.
ForcepsJiangXi YuYuan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.N/AFor surgery or assembling the mirco-drive system.
Freezing microtomeLeicaCM3050 S Cut the mouse’s brain into slices
Fused silica capillary tubingZhengzhou INNOSEP Scientific Co., Ltd.TSP050125To  serve as the guide tubes for Ni-chrome wires.
Glass microelectrodeSutter Instrument CompanyBF100-50-10To mark the desired locations for implantation using the filled ink.
GraphPad Prism 7GraphPad SoftwareN/ATo analyze and visualize the results.
Guide-tubePolymicro technologies1068150020To load Ni-chrome wires.
HeadstageBlackrockN/AA tool of transmitting signals.
Helium balloonYili Festive products Co., Ltd.24 inchTo offset the weight of headstage and micro-drive system.
InkSailor Pen Co.,LTD.13-2001To mark the desired locations for implantation.
Iodine tinctureGuangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.N/ATo disinfect mouse's scalp.
Lincomycin in Hydrochloride and Lidocaine  hydrochloride gelHubei kangzheng pharmaceutical co., ltd.10gA drug used to reduce inflammation.
MeloxicamVicki Biotechnology Co., Ltd.71125-38-7To reduce postoperative pain in mice.
MicromanipulatorsScientificaScientifica IVM TripleFor electrode arrays implantation.
Microscope NikonECLIPSE Ni-E Capture the images of brain sections
nanoZ impedance testerPlexonnanoZTo measure impedance or performing electrode impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for multichannel microelectrode arrays.
NeuroExplorerPlexonNeuroExplorerA tool for analyzing the electrophysiological data.
NeuroExplorer Plexon, USAN/AA software.
Ni-chrome wireCalifornia Fine Wire Co.M47249035 μm Ni-chrome wire.
Offline SorterPlexonOffline SorterA tool for sorting the recorded multi-units.
PCB boardHangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd.N/AComputer designed board.
PentobarbitalSigmaP3761To anesthetize mice.
Pentobarbital sodiumSigma57-33-0To anesthetize the mouse.
Peristaltic pumpLongerBT100-1FA device used for perfusion
Polyformaldehyde Sangon BiotechA500684-0500The main component of fixative solution for fixation of mouse brains 
PtCl4Tianjin Jinbolan Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.13454-96-1Preparation for gold plating liquid.
SalineGuangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.N/ATo clean the mouse's skull.
Silver wireSuzhou Xinye Electronics Co., Ltd.2 mm diameterApplying for ground and reference electrodes.
Skull drillRWD Life Science78001To drill carefully two small holes on mouse's skull.
Stainless steel screwsYOUXIN Electronic Co., Ltd.M0.8 x 2To protect the micro-drive system and link the ground and reference electrodes.
Stereotaxic apparatusRWD Life Science68513To perform the stereotaxic coordinates of bilateral motor cortex.
SucroseDamao57-50-1To dehydrate the mouse brains  after perfusion.
Super glueHenkel AG & Co.PSK5CTo fix the guide tube and Ni-chrome wire.
Temperature controllerHarvard ApparatusTCAT-2To maintain mouse's rectal temperature at 37°C
Tetracycline eye ointmentGuangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.N/ATo protect the mouse's eyes during surgery.
ThreadRapalaN/ATo link ballon and headstage.
VaselineUnilever plcN/ATo cover the gap between electrode arrays and mouse's skull.


  1. Buzsáki, G., Anastassiou, C. A., Koch, C. The origin of extracellular fields and currents--EEG, ECoG, LFP and spikes. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 13 (6), 407-420 (2012).
  2. Singer, W.






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