To analyze the data, click CytoSolver on the desktop. Click on import from the file menu and select the files to be analyzed. After the analysis, observe the accepted and rejected transients on the screen.
Click export on the top left of the screen and enable average transient data. Export to Excel file and then click export. Inspect the analyzed data presented in a spreadsheet.
Turn off the computer and all the other instruments. Contractility measurements were analyzed with the CytoSolver program and the parameters of resting, beating frequency, time to peak contractility and time to baseline contractility of the control human IPSC cardiomyocytes were reported. The application of 500 nano molar ISO, a non-selective beta adrenergic receptor agonist, significantly increased the beating frequency in all wells.
ISO also increased the kinetics evidenced by a decrease in time to peak contractility and time to baseline contractility. Like contractility, the calcium measurements were also analyzed, and the parameters were reported.