Preparation of Adult Wild Type Drosophila for Allotransplantation and Assembly of Autoinjector Apparatus
Allograft of Primary SG Imaginal Ring Tumor and Re-Allograft of Transplanted Tumors
Results: Fluorescence Imaging Analysis to Locate Appropriate Tumors in Host Abdomen
This protocol is among the first to describe the use of an autoinjector apparatus in Drosophila tumor allotransplantation. A topic that has grown in popularity in recent years. The main advantage of this method is that it increases the efficiency
This protocol provides detailed guidance for the initial and continued generational allotransplantation of Drosophila tumors into the abdomen of adult hosts for studying various aspects of neoplasia. Using an autoinjector apparatus, researchers can achieve improved efficiency and tumor yields compared to those achieved by traditional, manual methods.