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Department of Biomedical Engineering
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Hierarchically structured suspended TiO2 nanofibers for use in UV and pH sensor devices.
ACS applied materials & interfaces Aug, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25010666
Electrospun TiO2 nanofiber integrated lab-on-a-disc for ultrasensitive protein detection from whole blood.
Lab on a chip Jan, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25407164
Significantly enhanced antibacterial activity of TiO2 nanofibers with hierarchical nanostructures and controlled crystallinity.
The Analyst Jan, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25426595
School of Life Sciences, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
Yang-Seok Park1,
Vijaya Sunkara1,
Yubin Kim1,
Won Seok Lee1,2,
Ja-Ryoung Han1,3,
Yoon-Kyoung Cho1,4
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Life Sciences, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan, Republic of Korea,
2, Agency for Defense Development (ADD), Daejeon, Republic of Korea,
3, KOGAS (Korea Gas Corporation) Research Institute,
4Center for Soft and Living Matter, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
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