Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology and Ludwig Center for Metastasis Research
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The transcription factor Nr2e3 functions in retinal progenitors to suppress cone cell generation.
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Determinants of high weight gain and high BMI status in the first three months in urban Chinese infants.
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The inhibitory role of Mir-29 in growth of breast cancer cells.
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Confirmation through genetic analysis of the existence of many local phyloclades of the genus Simocephalus (Crustacea, Cladocera) in China.
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STING-Dependent Cytosolic DNA Sensing Promotes Radiation-Induced Type I Interferon-Dependent Antitumor Immunity in Immunogenic Tumors.
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14q32-encoded microRNAs mediate an oligometastatic phenotype.
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Cancer therapies activate RIG-I-like receptor pathway through endogenous non-coding RNAs.
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