
Shan Feng

Mass Spectrometry Core Facility,

School of Life Sciences,

Key Laboratory of Structural Biology of Zhejiang Province,

Mass Spectrometry Core Facility, School of Life Sciences,

Key Laboratory of Structural Biology of Zhejiang Province, School of Life Sciences

Westlake University

Shan Feng was born in 1982 in Beijing, China. He was graduated from Tsinghua University, Biological Science and Technology Department in 2004 and got the Bachelor Degree, then he joined Prof. Haimeng Zhou & Yongbin Yan group in Tsinghua University to study enzyme activity and protein folding as a Master student from 2004 to 2007. After 3 years’ teaching period, he returned to Tsinghua University in 2010 as a PhD student in Haiteng Deng’s lab, he has developed Fc-III cyclic peptide from protein expression and purification and improved the methods for glutathionylation study for both small molecules and proteins. After obtaining the PhD degree, Dr. Feng worked as the postdoc in Haiteng Deng’s lab and was supported by Bill & Melida Gates Foundation and National Natural Science Foundation of China (For Young Scientists). In 2016, Dr. Feng moved to MD Anderson Cancer Center (Prof. Ron DePinho’s lab) and the University of Notre Dame (Xin Lu’s lab) chronologically for the cancer biology research projects, he uncovered the mechanisms of MSDCs in tumor microenvironment inhibiting T cell activity through LCK protein nitration. Dr. Feng joined Westlake University and worked as the director of Mass Spectrometry & Metabolomics Core Facility (MSMCF).

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