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Department of Environmental Science,
Policy and Management,
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
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Next-generation biological control: the need for integrating genetics and genomics.
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 12, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32794644
Comparing the Feeding Damage of the Invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug to a Native Stink Bug and Leaffooted Bug on California Pistachios.
Insects Oct, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 33053666
Field Survival of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on California Tree Crops.
Environmental entomology 10, 2021 | Pubmed ID: 34175919
University of California Berkeley
Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi1,
Xingeng Wang2,
Amanda Stout2,
Lorenzo Fellin1,3,
Kent M. Daane4,
Antonio Biondi5,
Judith M. Stahl4,
Matthew L. Buffington6,
Gianfranco Anfora1,3,
Kim A. Hoelmer2
1Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Edmund Mach,
2Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture,
3Center for Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Trento,
4Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California Berkeley,
5Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania,
6Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture
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