Department of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
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Professional and academic destination of masters in nursing graduates: a national survey.
Nurse education today Aug, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18242790
Synthesis and microstructural characterization of Ce1-xTb(x)O2-delta (0 < or = x < or = 1) nano-powders.
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology Jul, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17663275
Priorities in identifying unmet need in older people attending general practice: a nominal group technique study.
Family practice Oct, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17675658
Ribbon-helix-helix transcription factors: variations on a theme.
Nature reviews. Microbiology Sep, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17676053
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-1 (TNFp55) signal transduction and macrophage-derived soluble TNF are crucial for nitric oxide-mediated Trypanosoma congolense parasite killing.
The Journal of infectious diseases Sep, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17703428
Bringing the excitement of biological research into the chemistry classroom at MIT.
ACS chemical biology Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17708665
Crystal structure and mutagenesis of the metallochaperone MeaB: insight into the causes of methylmalonic aciduria.
The Journal of biological chemistry Oct, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17728257
A glycosylphosphatidylinositol-based treatment alleviates trypanosomiasis-associated immunopathology.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) Sep, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17785839
前往在英国的服务的健康的母亲的意见: 基于 web 的调查。
Community practitioner : the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' Association Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17821876
Crystallographic trapping in the rebeccamycin biosynthetic enzyme RebC.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Sep, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17873060
The Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project classification in the early hours of ischemic stroke and relation to infarct site and size on cranial computed tomography.
Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association Sep-Oct, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 17903825
Staging of intrauterine growth-restricted fetuses.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Nov, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17957041
Ambiguities and conflicting results: the limitations of the kappa statistic in establishing the interrater reliability of the Irish nursing minimum data set for mental health: a discussion paper.
International journal of nursing studies Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 17959177
Entrepreneurial nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom: an integrative review.
Journal of advanced nursing Dec, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17973709
Variables that affect the middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity in fetuses with anemia and intrauterine growth restriction.
American journal of perinatology Sep, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17992717
Nursing research priorities for Ireland.
Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau , 2007 | Pubmed ID: 18021128
Discrimination of Schroeder-phase harmonic complexes by normal-hearing and cochlear-implant listeners.
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO Mar, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18066624
Identifying research priorities for midwifery in Ireland.
Midwifery Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18068280
The violacein biosynthetic enzyme VioE shares a fold with lipoprotein transporter proteins.
The Journal of biological chemistry Mar, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18171675
Structural basis of the metal specificity for nickel regulatory protein NikR.
Biochemistry Feb, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18193897
The fragmented discourse of the 'knowledgeable doer': nursing academics' and nurse managers' perspectives on a master's education for nurses.
Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice May, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18293094
Xenon in and at the end of the tunnel of bifunctional carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase.
Biochemistry Mar, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18293927
Improving performance in noise for hearing aids and cochlear implants using coherent modulation filtering.
Hearing research May, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18295993
Clinical assessment of music perception in cochlear implant listeners.
Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology Feb, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18309572
Nurse prescribing: national data analysis.
Nursing times Feb 5-11, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18323386
'Nurse entrepreneurs' a case of government rhetoric?
Journal of health services research & policy Jan, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18325151
Safer heterosex: perspectives from young men in Ireland.
Sexual health Mar, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18361851
Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire: reliability and factor structure with Master's in Nursing graduates.
Journal of advanced nursing May, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18476947
Tetravalent metal complexation by Keggin and lacunary phosphomolybdate anions.
Inorganic chemistry Jul, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18517191
The transitional phase of ductus venosus reversed flow in severely premature IUGR fetuses.
American journal of perinatology Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18548391
Heterosexual experiences of secondary school pupils in Ireland: sexual coercion in context.
Culture, health & sexuality Jun, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18568871
Solving complex concentric circular mesostructures by using electron tomography.
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18646236
The role of B-cells and IgM antibodies in parasitemia, anemia, and VSG switching in Trypanosoma brucei-infected mice.
PLoS pathogens , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18688274
Thioredoxin reductase from Thermoplasma acidophilum: a new twist on redox regulation.
Biochemistry Sep, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18717593
Direct electrochemical analyses of a thermophilic thioredoxin reductase: interplay between conformational change and redox chemistry.
Biochemistry Sep, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18717594
Understanding risk and safety in home health care: the limits of generic frameworks.
Quality in primary care , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18718160
Demand and supply.
Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987) Aug 6-12, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18727359
Journal of advanced nursing Sep, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18727751
Reversible changes in serum immunoglobulin galactosylation during the immune response and treatment of inflammatory autoimmune arthritis.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18772190
Structural perspective on enzymatic halogenation.
Accounts of chemical research Jan, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18774824
Music perception in cochlear implant users and its relationship with psychophysical capabilities.
Journal of rehabilitation research and development , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18816426
Structural basis for glycyl radical formation by pyruvate formate-lyase activating enzyme.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18852451
Food bolus impaction secondary to reflux strictures: a rural surgical experience.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Nov, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18954788
An editorial system has been implemented that will create a more efficient system.
Contemporary clinical trials Jan, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19013540
Contribution of electron precession to the study of perovskites displaying small symmetry departures from the ideal cubic ABO3 perovskite: applications to the LaGaO3 and LSGM perovskites.
Journal of microscopy Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19017197
The FAD cofactor of RebC shifts to an IN conformation upon flavin reduction.
Biochemistry Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19035832
Bidirectional transcriptional promoters in the vaccinia virus genome.
Virology Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19064274
Electron-tomography determination of the packing structure of macroporous ordered siliceous foams assembled from vesicles.
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19148887
Thymic emigration: sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-1-dependent models and beyond.
European journal of immunology Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19224640
Paid part-time employment and academic performance of undergraduate nursing students.
Nurse education today Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19246132
Structural analysis of an open active site conformation of nonheme iron halogenase CytC3.
Journal of the American Chemical Society Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19281171
Divergent pathways in the biosynthesis of bisindole natural products.
Chemistry & biology Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19389622
Development and validation of the University of Washington Clinical Assessment of Music Perception test.
Ear and hearing Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19474735
Young men's vulnerability in constituting hegemonic masculinity in sexual relations.
American journal of men's health Sep, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19477745
Creating a medical home in the San Francisco department of public health: establishing patient panels.
Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP Jul-Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19525778
The impact of a fast track area on quality and effectiveness outcomes: a Middle Eastern emergency department perspective.
BMC emergency medicine , 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19534787
An efficient approach to characterize pseudo-merohedral twins by precession electron diffraction: application to the LaGaO(3) perovskite.
Ultramicroscopy Sep, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19576696
Crystallographic snapshots of cyanide- and water-bound C-clusters from bifunctional carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase.
Biochemistry Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19583207
Cutting edge: the chemokine receptor CXCR3 retains invariant NK T cells in the thymus.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19620294
Physical basis of metal-binding specificity in Escherichia coli NikR.
Journal of the American Chemical Society Jul, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19621966
Variation in brevetoxin and brevenal content among clonal cultures of Karenia brevis may influence bloom toxicity.
Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology Feb-Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19631681
Sexual behaviour and knowledge among adolescents in Ireland.
Sexual health Sep, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19653963
End of life care for community dwelling older people with dementia: an integrated review.
International journal of geriatric psychiatry Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19688739
Models of initial training and pathways to registration: a selective review of policy in professional regulation.
Journal of nursing management Sep, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19694916
Genetic parameters for carcass cut weight in Irish beef cattle.
Journal of animal science Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19717761
From single molecules to whole organisms: the evolving field of mechanistic enzymology.
Current opinion in chemical biology Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19740697
Characterization of the curing process from high-solids anaerobic digestion.
Bioresource technology Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19748775
First-principles study of non-heme Fe(II) halogenase SyrB2 reactivity.
Journal of the American Chemical Society Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19807187
Evolution of helical mesostructures.
Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20013966
Creating an interdisciplinary introductory chemistry course without time-intensive curriculum changes.
ACS chemical biology Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 20017574
Functional characterization of the atypical integral membrane lipid phosphatase PDP1/PPAPDC2 identifies a pathway for interconversion of isoprenols and isoprenoid phosphates in mammalian cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20110354
Hormone therapy and the medical encounter: a qualitative analysis of women's experiences.
Menopause (New York, N.Y.) Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20124923
Invariant natural killer T cells in rheumatic disease: a joint dilemma.
Nature reviews. Rheumatology Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20125176
Invariant natural killer T cells are natural regulators of murine spondylarthritis.
Arthritis and rheumatism Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20131252
Sensitivity of psychophysical measures to signal processor modifications in cochlear implant users.
Hearing research Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20144699
The silent treatment: parents' narratives of sexuality education with young people.
Culture, health & sexuality May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20162477
Solving hierarchical helical mesostructures by electron tomography.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20177617
Menopause narratives: the interplay of women's embodied experiences with biomedical discourses.
Qualitative health research Jun, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20181821
Topical NSAID therapy for musculoskeletal pain.
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20210866
Hongshan chiefly communities in Neolithic northeastern China.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20224038
Nuclear matrix association: switching to the invasive cytotrophoblast.
Placenta May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20346505
Critical thinking as an outcome of a Master's degree in Nursing programme.
Journal of advanced nursing Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20423425
How different are older people discharged from emergency departments compared with those admitted to hospital?
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20431485
Diversity in research: clinical trials for all people.
Contemporary clinical trials Jul, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20471495
The Irish Nursing Minimum Data Set for mental health--a valid and reliable tool for the collection of standardised nursing data.
Journal of clinical nursing Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20500275
The role of health and non-health-related factors in repeat emergency department visits in an elderly urban population.
Emergency medicine journal : EMJ Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20581390
Psychoacoustic abilities associated with music perception in cochlear implant users.
Ear and hearing Dec, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20595901
Establishment and partial characterization of a cell line from burbot Lota lota maculosa: susceptibility to IHNV, IPNV and VHSV.
Diseases of aquatic organisms May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20597426
Incontinence in women prisoners: an exploration of the issues.
Journal of advanced nursing Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20626478
A phosphatidic acid binding/nuclear localization motif determines lipin1 function in lipid metabolism and adipogenesis.
Molecular biology of the cell Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20660155
Structural basis of low-affinity nickel binding to the nickel-responsive transcription factor NikR from Escherichia coli.
Biochemistry Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20704276
Searching for the Nik operon: how a ligand-responsive transcription factor hunts for its DNA binding site.
Biochemistry Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20712334
A multiparameter approach to monitor disease activity in collagen-induced arthritis.
Arthritis research & therapy , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20731827
In the nickel of time.
Nature chemistry Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20861908
Dementia, dignity and quality of life: nursing practice and its dilemmas.
International journal of older people nursing Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20925707
Support networks of older people living in the community.
International journal of older people nursing Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 20925860
Repair of DNA Alkylation Damage by the Escherichia coli Adaptive Response Protein AlkB as Studied by ESI-TOF Mass Spectrometry.
Journal of nucleic acids , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21048928
Efficacy of a modified live Flavobacterium columnare vaccine in fish.
Fish & shellfish immunology Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21059396
Dislocation associated incubational domain formation in lightly gadolinium-doped ceria.
Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada Feb, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21087551
Development of a point-of-care device for the quantification of bilirubin in cerebral spinal fluid.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21096772
A role for nickel-iron cofactors in biological carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide utilization.
Current opinion in chemical biology Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21130022
Impact of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on Australasian critical care units.
Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine Dec, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21143081
Content and functionality of alcohol and other drug websites: results of an online survey.
Journal of medical Internet research , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21169168
Online alcohol interventions: a systematic review.
Journal of medical Internet research , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21169175
Science education. Changing the culture of science education at research universities.
Science (New York, N.Y.) Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21233371
Patients' level of satisfaction and self-reports of intention to comply following consultation with nurses and midwives with prescriptive authority: a cross-sectional survey.
International journal of nursing studies Jul, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21257171
Relationship between behavioral and physiological spectral-ripple discrimination.
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21271274
Serum sepsis, not sickness.
The American journal of the medical sciences Feb, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21273840
Device for quantification of bilirubin in cerebral spinal fluid.
IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering Mar, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21292590
Structural basis for the inhibition of human alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) by 3,N4-ethenocytosine-containing DNA.
The Journal of biological chemistry Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21349833
Structural insights into radical generation by the radical SAM superfamily.
Chemical reviews Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21370834
Physician assistants in English general practice: a qualitative study of employers' viewpoints.
Journal of health services research & policy Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21389060
Microstructural and metal-support interactions of the Pt-CeO2/C catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell application.
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21395272
Independent emergence of Yersinia ruckeri biotype 2 in the United States and Europe.
Applied and environmental microbiology May, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21441334
Superstructure formation and variation in Ni-GDC cermet anodes in SOFC.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP May, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21494741
Establishing new nursing roles: a case study of the English community matron initiative.
Journal of clinical nursing Oct, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21521390
The ending of menstruation: perspectives and experiences of lesbian and heterosexual women.
Journal of women & aging , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21534106
Assessment of function and clinical utility of alcohol and other drug web sites: an observational, qualitative study.
BMC public health , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21545748
Galactose-modified iNKT cell agonists stabilized by an induced fit of CD1d prevent tumour metastasis.
The EMBO journal Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21552205
Frailty scales--their potential in interprofessional working with older people: a discussion paper.
Journal of interprofessional care Jul, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21554059
A research-inspired laboratory sequence investigating acquired drug resistance.
Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jul, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21567836
Incontinence: enhancing care in women's prisons.
Nursing times May 3-9, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21614954
Structural basis of regiospecificity of a mononuclear iron enzyme in antibiotic fosfomycin biosynthesis.
Journal of the American Chemical Society Jul, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21682308
Ordered structures of defect clusters in gadolinium-doped ceria.
The Journal of chemical physics Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21682534
Hospital nurse staffing models and patient and staff-related outcomes.
Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21735407
Acoustic temporal modulation detection and speech perception in cochlear implant listeners.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Jul, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21786906
A profile of older emergency department attendees: findings from an Irish study.
Journal of advanced nursing May, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 21831130
Solution-based structural analysis of the decaheme cytochrome, MtrA, by small-angle X-ray scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation.
The journal of physical chemistry. B Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21838277
Sustaining innovation in the health care workforce: a case study of community nurse consultant posts in England.
BMC health services research , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21854634
Regulating the regulators: SOCS3 joins the dance.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases Dec, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21900286
Patient education and self-advocacy: queries and responses on pain management.
Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 21923317
Assessing and increasing patient panel size in the public sector.
Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP Nov-Dec, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21964361
Evidence of across-channel processing for spectral-ripple discrimination in cochlear implant listeners.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Oct, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21973363
Elder abuse and neglect in Ireland: results from a national prevalence survey.
Age and ageing Jan, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 21997767
Flavin-induced oligomerization in Escherichia coli adaptive response protein AidB.
Biochemistry Nov, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22004173
Rapid Response Team composition, resourcing and calling criteria in Australia.
Resuscitation May, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22067975
Competencies: a cure for pre-med curriculum.
Science (New York, N.Y.) Nov, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22076362
A taboo within a stigma? a qualitative study of managing incontinence with people with dementia living at home.
BMC geriatrics , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22081876
Different algorithms for glycemic control will yield different results.
Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie Feb, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22086305
Assessing the contribution of prescribing in primary care by nurses and professionals allied to medicine: a systematic review of literature.
BMC health services research , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22136294
Searching for DNA lesions: structural evidence for lower- and higher-affinity DNA binding conformations of human alkyladenine DNA glycosylase.
Biochemistry Jan, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22148158
Structural evolution of GeMn/Ge superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy under different growth conditions.
Nanoscale research letters Dec, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22151995
Nurse case management and general practice: implications for GP consortia.
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners Oct, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22152848
Structural interconversions modulate activity of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Dec, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22160671
Models of inter professional working for older people living at home: a survey and review of the local strategies of English health and social care statutory organisations.
BMC health services research , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22168957
Spectral and temporal measures in hybrid cochlear implant users: on the mechanism of electroacoustic hearing benefits.
Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology Feb, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22215451
Masters in nursing degrees: an evaluation of management and leadership outcomes using a retrospective pre-test design.
Journal of nursing management Jan, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22229906
In vivo remineralization of acid-etched enamel in non-brushing areas as influenced by fluoridated orthodontic adhesive and toothpaste.
Microscopy research and technique Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22298375
Modified live Edwardsiella ictaluri vaccine, AQUAVAC-ESC, lacks multidrug resistance plasmids.
Journal of aquatic animal health Dec, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22372247
Psychoacoustic performance and music and speech perception in prelingually deafened children with cochlear implants.
Audiology & neuro-otology , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22398954
Visualizing molecular juggling within a B12-dependent methyltransferase complex.
Nature Apr, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22419154
Nurse-led case management in the National Health Service: bridging clinical and social worlds.
Primary health care research & development Apr, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22433270
The value of muscular and skeletal scores in the live animal and carcass classification scores as indicators of carcass composition in cattle.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience May, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 22443601
Predicting beef carcass meat, fat and bone proportions from carcass conformation and fat scores or hindquarter dissection.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 22443877
Intake, growth and carcass traits in male progeny of sires differing in genetic merit for beef production.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 22444765
Live animal measurements, carcass composition and plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations in male progeny of sires differing in genetic merit for beef production.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience Jul, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 22444813
The relationship of live animal muscular and skeletal scores, ultrasound measurements and carcass classification scores with carcass composition and value in steers.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience Nov, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 22444995
Exocyclic carbons adjacent to the N6 of adenine are targets for oxidation by the Escherichia coli adaptive response protein AlkB.
Journal of the American Chemical Society May, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22512456
Archaeology as a social science.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America May, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22547811
Physician assistants in English primary care teams: a survey.
Journal of interprofessional care Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22574762
Radical use of Rossmann and TIM barrel architectures for controlling coenzyme B12 chemistry.
Annual review of biophysics , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22577824
Structural diversity in the AdoMet radical enzyme superfamily.
Biochimica et biophysica acta Nov, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22579873
Optimization of ionic conductivity in solid electrolytes through dopant-dependent defect cluster analysis.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22585308
Effects of flow regimes altered by dams on survival, population declines, and range-wide losses of California river-breeding frogs.
Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22594596
Drosophila activated Cdc42 kinase has an anti-apoptotic function.
PLoS genetics , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22615583
Redox, haem and CO in enzymatic catalysis and regulation.
Biochemical Society transactions Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22616859
The prototypic class Ia ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli: still surprising after all these years.
Biochemical Society transactions Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22616862
Tangled up in knots: structures of inactivated forms of E. coli class Ia ribonucleotide reductase.
Structure (London, England : 1993) Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22727814
Addressing incontinence for people with dementia living at home: a documentary analysis of local English community nursing service continence policies and clinical guidance.
Journal of clinical nursing Feb, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 22788705
Clofarabine targets the large subunit (α) of human ribonucleotide reductase in live cells by assembly into persistent hexamers.
Chemistry & biology Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22840768
An unusual role for a mobile flavin in StaC-like indolocarbazole biosynthetic enzymes.
Chemistry & biology Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22840773
The effectiveness of inter-professional working for older people living in the community: a systematic review.
Health & social care in the community Mar, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 22891915
The ability of cochlear implant users to use temporal envelope cues recovered from speech frequency modulation.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22894230
父母的构造性自我和性的青少年的行为: 话语的磨砺和保护。
Culture, health & sexuality , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22937729
Graduates from dual qualification courses, registered nurse and health visitor: A career history study.
Nurse education today Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22939771
ECG of the month: Bigeminal rhythm X. Sinus rhythm with monomorphic ventricular bigeminy and ventriculophasic sinus arrhythmia.
The Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society : official organ of the Louisiana State Medical Society Jul-Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22957355
An evaluation of the appropriateness and safety of nurse and midwife prescribing in Ireland.
Journal of advanced nursing Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22989189
Metal stearate distributions in modern artists' oil paints: surface and cross-sectional investigation of reference paint films using conventional and synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy.
Applied spectroscopy Oct, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23031696
Transient B12-dependent methyltransferase complexes revealed by small-angle X-ray scattering.
Journal of the American Chemical Society Oct, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23051056
Pathogenic role of store-operated and receptor-operated ca(2+) channels in pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Journal of signal transduction , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23056939
The profile and follow-up of patients who attend the Emergency Department following a fall.
International emergency nursing Oct, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23084513
Improvement of cathode performance on Pt-CeO(x) by optimization of electrochemical pretreatment condition for PEFC application.
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23110562
Key roles of the downstream mobile jaw of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase in transcription initiation.
Biochemistry Nov, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23116321
The prevalence of incontinence in people with cognitive impairment or dementia living at home: A systematic review.
Neurourology and urodynamics Nov, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23129242
Improved perception of speech in noise and Mandarin tones with acoustic simulations of harmonic coding for cochlear implants.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Nov, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23145619
Strippable coatings for forensic collection of trace chemicals from surfaces.
Analytical chemistry Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23157576
Mind the gap: diversity and reactivity relationships among multihaem cytochromes of the MtrA/DmsE family.
Biochemical Society transactions Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23176466
Drosophila Vap-33 is required for axonal localization of Dscam isoforms.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Nov, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23197716
Maximizing the spectral and temporal benefits of two clinically used sound processing strategies for cochlear implants.
Trends in amplification , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23264570
Conservative interventions for incontinence in people with dementia or cognitive impairment, living at home: a systematic review.
BMC geriatrics Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23272951
Relationship between channel interaction and spectral-ripple discrimination in cochlear implant users.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23297914
Microstructural and chemical characterization of ordered structure in yttrium doped ceria.
Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada Feb, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23308398
Detection of acoustic temporal fine structure by cochlear implant listeners: Behavioral results and computational modeling.
Hearing research Apr, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23333260
Nurse-led case management for community dwelling older people: an explorative study of models and costs.
Journal of nursing management Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23339509
Metal Binding Properties of Escherichia coli YjiA, a Member of the Metal Homeostasis-Associated COG0523 Family of GTPases.
Biochemistry Feb, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23406412
Generation of a stable, aminotyrosyl radical-induced α2β2 complex of Escherichia coli class Ia ribonucleotide reductase.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Mar, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23431160
Electrochemical Characterization of Escherichia coli Adaptive Response Protein AidB.
International journal of molecular sciences , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23443126
Substrate Placement Influences Reactivity in Non-heme Fe(II) Halogenases and Hydroxylases.
The Journal of biological chemistry Feb, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23449977
Consumer Acceptance of an SMS-Assisted Smoking Cessation Intervention: A Multicountry Study.
Health marketing quarterly Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23458481
Blocking apoptotic signaling rescues axon guidance in netrin mutants.
Cell reports Mar, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23499445
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