Princess Margaret Hospital




A Novel High-resolution In vivo Imaging Technique to Study the Dynamic Response of Intracranial Structures to Tumor Growth and Therapeutics
Kelly Burrell 1, Sameer Agnihotri 1, Michael Leung 2, Ralph DaCosta 2, Richard Hill 2, Gelareh Zadeh 3
1Brain Tumor Research Centre, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Medical Discovery Tower, 2Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital, 3Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital

We describe a novel in vivo imaging technique that couples fluorescent chimeric mice with intracranial windows and high-resolution 2-photon microscopy. This imaging platform aids studies of dynamic changes in brain tissue and microvasculature, at a single-cell level, following pathological insults and is adaptable to assess intracranial drug delivery and distribution.


Immunology and Infection

Femur Window Chamber Model for In Vivo Cell Tracking in the Murine Bone Marrow
Yonghong Chen *1, Azusa Maeda *1,2, Jiachuan Bu 1, Ralph DaCosta 1,2,3
1Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, 2Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, 3Techna Institute, University Health Network

The protocol describes a novel murine femur window chamber model that can be used to track movement of cells in the femoral bone marrow in vivo. Intravital multiphoton fluorescence microscopy is used to image three components of the femoral bone marrow (vasculature, collagen matrix, and neutrophils) over time.

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