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Isolation and Respiratory Measurements of Mitochondria from Arabidopsis thaliana
Wenhui Lyu 1, Jennifer Selinski 1, Lu Li 1, David A. Day 2, Monika W. Murcha 3, James Whelan 1, Yan Wang 1
1ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, Department of Animal, Plant and Soil Science, School of Life Science, La Trobe University, 2School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, 3ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, University of Western Australia

As mitochondria are only a small percentage of the plant cell, they need to be purified for a range of studies. Mitochondria can be isolated from a variety of plant organs by homogenization, followed by differential and density gradient centrifugation to obtain a highly purified mitochondrial fraction.



Rearing and Long-Term Maintenance of Eristalis tenax Hoverflies for Research Studies
Sarah Nicholas 1, Malin Thyselius 2, Marissa Holden 1, Karin Nordström 1,2
1Centre for Neuroscience, Flinders University, 2Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University

The overall goal of these procedures is to establish, maintain and refresh a captive population of Eristalis tenax in a research setting.



Imaging of the Microstructural Failure Mechanism in the Human Hip
Saulo Martelli 1,2, Egon Perilli 2
1School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, 2Medical Device Research Institute, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University

The protocol enables the measurement of the deformation of the bone microstructure in the entire proximal human femur and its toughness by combining large-volume micro-CT scanning, a custom-made compressive stage, and advanced image processing tools.

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