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University Bordeaux, LAMC



Cancer Research

A 3D Spheroid Model for Glioblastoma
Joris Guyon 1,2, Laetitia Andrique 1,2, Nadège Pujol 1,2, Gro Vatne Røsland 3,4, Gaelle Recher 1,5,6, Andreas Bikfalvi 1,2, Thomas Daubon 1,2,4
1University Bordeaux, LAMC, 2INSERM U1029, University Bordeaux, 3Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, 4CNRS, IBGC UMR5095, 5LP2N, CNRS UMR 5298, IOA, 6Institut d'Optique Graduate School, IOA

Here, we describe an easy-to-use invasion assay for glioblastoma. This assay is suitable for glioblastoma stem-like cells. A Fiji macro for easy quantification of invasion, migration, and proliferation is also described.


Cancer Research

Co-culture of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells on Patterned Neurons to Study Migration and Cellular Interactions
Joris Guyon 1, Pierre-Olivier Strale 2,3, Irati Romero-Garmendia 4, Andreas Bikfalvi 1, Vincent Studer *2, Thomas Daubon *4
1University Bordeaux, INSERM, LAMC, U1029, 33600, Pessac, France, 2Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, IINS, UMR 5297, Bordeaux, France, 3Alvéole, Bordeaux, France, 4University Bordeaux, CNRS, IBGC, UMR5095, 33000, Bordeaux, France

Here, we present an easy-to-use co-culture assay to analyze glioblastoma (GBM) migration on patterned neurons. We developed a macro in FiJi software for easy quantification of GBM cell migration on neurons, and observed that neurons modify GBM cell invasive capacity.

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