Jeffrey D. Rothstein speaks about the pathology and mechanisms underlying amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, advances in ALS research, and current strategies towards the development of therapies.
We describe a protocol for the fabrication of microfluidic devices that can enable cell capture and culture. In this approach patterned microstructures such as grooves within microfluidic channels are used to create low shear stress regions within which cell can dock.
We describe a protocol for the microfabrication of the gradient-generating microfluidic device that can generate spatial and temporal gradients in well-defined microenvironment. In this approach, the gradient-generating microfluidic device can be used to study directed cell migration, embryogenesis, wound healing, and cancer metastasis.
Here we describe the orthotopic rat hind-limb transplantation procedure, which seems to be the gold standard in vivo model for composite tissue allotransplantation research.
In utero survival surgery in mice permits the molecular manipulation of gene expression during development. Here we describe the use of high-frequency ultrasound imaging to guide the injection of retroviral vectors into the mouse brain at embryonic day (E) 9.5.
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been identified in a number of malignancies. In this protocol we describe a flow cytometric method utilizing aldehyde dehydrogenase activity and CD44 and CD24 expression to isolate CSCs from human pancreatic adenocarcinoma xenografts. These viable cells can then be used in functional and analytical studies.
A method for the incorporation of plasmid DNA into murine retinal cells for the purpose of performing either gain- or loss of function studies in vivo is presented. This method capitalizes on the transient increase in permeability of cell plasma membranes induced by the application of an external electrical field.
In this report, we describe the three-dimensional skin reconstruct model which mimics human skin in architecture and composition. Melanocyte physiology, melanoma progression and the fate of dermal stem cells have been investigated using the skin reconstruct model. The model is also useful as a preclinical tool for drug assessment.
Antibody staining of the Drosophila pupae can enhance genetic analyses of adult abdominal developmental genetics. We present our protocol for dissection, fixation and antibody staining of staged Drosophila pupal abdomen.
This protocol outlines the derivation of Glial Restricted Precursors from fetal spinal cords and maintained in vitro either for transplantation or for the study of oligodendrocytic lineage.
B7-H1 (PD-L1) and its binding to PD-1 provide a major tumor-induced immunosuppressive signal in the tumor’s microenvironment. An immunohistochemical staining technique to characterize the expression and localization of B7-H1 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma is described here.
An in vitro model for genetic study of axon regeneration using cultured adult mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons is described. The method includes a re-suspension/re-plating step to allow axon re-growth from neurons undergoing genetic manipulation. This approach is especially useful for loss-of-function studies of axon regeneration using RNAi-based protein knockdown.
By combining a polished and reinforced thin-skull (PoRTS) cranial window and glioblastoma (GBM) cell injection, we can observe glioma initiation and growth from injected GBM cells in the brain of a live mouse longitudinally.
By tagging the extracellular domains of membrane receptors with superecliptic pHluorin, and by imaging these fusion receptors in cultured mouse neurons, we can directly visualize individual vesicular insertion events of the receptors to the plasma membrane. This technique will be instrumental in elucidating the molecular mechanisms governing receptor insertion to the plasma membrane.
We describe a fluorescence microscopy method, Co-Translational Activation by Cleavage (CoTrAC), to image the production of protein molecules in live cells with single-molecule precision without perturbing the protein's functionality. This method has been used to follow the stochastic expression dynamics of a transcription factor, the λ repressor CI 1.
We describe a super-resolution imaging method to probe the structural organization of the bacterial FtsZ-ring, an essential apparatus for cell division. This method is based on quantitative analyses of photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) images and can be applied to other bacterial cytoskeletal proteins.
A protocol for nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and high-throughput flow cytometry to evaluate polymeric gene delivery nanoparticles is described. NTA is utilized to characterize the nanoparticle particle size distribution and the plasmid per particle distribution. High-throughput flow cytometry enables quantitative transfection efficacy evaluation for a library of gene delivery biomaterials.
Vascularized Composite Allotransplantations (VCA) have become a clinical reality. However, broad clinical application of VCA is limited by chronic multi-drug immunosuppression. The authors present a reliable and reproducible large animal model to translate novel immunomodulatory strategies that can minimize or potentially eliminate the need of immunosuppression in VCA.
Evaluated in syngeneic immunocompetent hosts, cancer stem cell (CSC) based dendritic cell (DC) vaccine demonstrated significantly higher antitumor immunity than traditional DC vaccines pulsed with heterogeneous bulk tumor cells.
The function of adult-born mammalian neurons remains an active area of investigation. Ionizing radiation inhibits the birth of new neurons. Using computer tomography-guided focal irradiation (CFIR), three-dimensional anatomical targeting of specific neural progenitor populations can now be used to assess the functional role of adult neurogenesis.
The murine cervical heart transplantation model is well suited for immunological as well as ischemia reperfusion injury studies. We modified the procedure using a non-suture cuff technique and performed more than 1,000 successful transplants with this approach.
Herein, we provide additional details of this technique to supplement the video.
This procedure demonstrates in vivo near IR fluorescence imaging of collagen remodeling activities in mice as well as ex vivo staining of collagens in tissue sections using caged collagen mimetic peptides that can be photo-triggered to hybridize with denatured collagen strands.
DNabT cells are rare among peripheral T cells; however, they are abundant in certain non-lymphoid tissues. Difficulty of isolating DN T cells from non-lymphoid tissue hinders their functional analysis despite increasing recognized pathophysiologic significance. We describe a novel protocol for isolation of highly purified DN T cells from murine kidney.
Here, we present our established method to reprogram human somatic cells into transgene-free human iPSCs with Sendai virus, which shows consistent outcome and enhanced efficiency.
Single cell gene expression assay is needed for understanding stem cell heterogeneities.
Combined optical and μCT imaging in a mouse model of orthopaedic implant infection, utilizing a bioluminescent engineered strain of Staphylococcus aureus, provided the capability to noninvasively and longitudinally monitor the dynamics of the bacterial infection, as well as the corresponding inflammatory response and anatomical changes in the bone.
A preclinical, murine model of hepatic metastases performed via a hemispleen injection technique.
The term anastasis refers to the phenomenon in which dying cells reverse a cell suicide process at a late stage, repair themselves, and ultimately survive. Here we demonstrate protocols for detecting and tracking cells that undergo anastasis.
The article describes the detailed methodology to efficiently differentiate human pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes by selectively modulating the Wnt pathway, followed by flow cytometry analysis of reference markers to assess homogeneity and identity of the population.
We describe a means to quickly and simply measure the lung diffusing capacity in mice and show that it is sufficiently sensitive to phenotype changes in multiple common lung pathologies. This metric thus brings direct translational relevance to the mouse models, since diffusing capacity is also easily measured in humans.
Here, we present a protocol to culture pharyngeal arches to study the biology of heart and muscle progenitor cells and their microenvironment.
An efficient, three-step synthesis of RAFT-based fluorescent glycopolymers, consisting of glycomonomer preparation, copolymerization, and post-modification, is demonstrated. This protocol can be used to prepare RAFT-based statistical glycopolymers with desired structures.
In this study, a method for synthesizing ultra-small populations of biocompatible nanoparticles was described, as well as several in vitro methods by which to assess their cellular interactions.
To study combined solid organ and vascularized composite allotransplantation, we describe a novel heterotopic en bloc chest wall, thymus, and heart transplant model in mice using a cervical non-suture cuff technique.
Hip weakness is a common symptom affecting walking ability in people with multiple sclerosis. Isolated muscle strengthening is a useful method to target specific weaknesses. This protocol describes a progressive resistance-training program using exercise bands to increase hip muscle strength.
This novel model for orthotopic hind limb transplantation in the mouse, applying a non-suture cuff technique for super-microvascular anastomosis, provides a powerful tool for in vivo mechanistic immunological research related to vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA).
Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system. This protocol describes a method for the isolation and culture of their precursors, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, from rat cortices, as well as a fast and reliable quantitative method to evaluate oligodendrogenesis in vitro in response to experimental factors.
Here we present a protocol for the dissection of hind limb long bones (femurs and tibiae) from the laboratory mouse. We further describe a rapid technique for bone marrow isolation from these bones that utilizes centrifugation for removal of bone marrow from the bone marrow space.
This manuscript describes the protocols for prostate micro-dissection and surgical castration in the laboratory mouse. We also depict representative results produced by these protocols. Finally, we discuss the advantages and utilization of these protocols.
To detect healthy cells in whole animals that contain low levels of caspase activity, the highly sensitive biosensor designated CaspaseTracker was generated for Drosophila. Caspase-dependent biosensor activity is detected in long-lived healthy cells throughout the internal organs of adult animals reared under optimized conditions in the absence of death stimuli.
Bile fluid is a valuable source of extracellular vesicles/exosomes that contain potentially important biomarkers. This protocol represents a robust method to isolate exosomes from human bile for further analyses including miRNA profiling.
Anastasis is technically challenging to detect in vivo because the cells that have reversed the cell death process can be morphologically indistinguishable from normal healthy cells. Here we describe protocols for detecting and tracking cells that undergo anastasis in live animals by using our newly developed in vivo CaspaseTracker biosensor system.
Sharp microelectrodes enable accurate electrophysiological characterization of photoreceptor and visual interneuron output in living Drosophila. Here we show how to use this method to record high-quality voltage responses of individual cells to controlled light stimulation. This method is ideal for studying neural information processing in insect compound eyes.
We describe here a behavioral setup and data analysis method for assaying olfactory responses of up to 100 vinegar flies (Drosophila melanogaster). This system may be used with single or multiple olfactory stimuli, and adaptable for optogenetic activation or silencing of neuronal subsets.
Here we present a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) protocol to study molecular alterations in Fos-expressing neuronal ensembles from both fresh and frozen brain tissue. The use of frozen tissue allows FACS isolation of many brain areas over multiple sessions to maximize the use of valuable animal subjects.
We describe here a method for identification of small molecule-binding proteins using photoaffinity labeling. The advantage of this technique is that binding and covalent labeling of the target proteins occurs within the live cellular environment, removing the risk of disrupting native protein structure and binding conditions upon cell lysis.
Among abdominal solid organ transplantation, pancreatic grafts are prone to develop severe ischemia reperfusion injury-associated graft damage, leading eventually to early graft loss. This protocol describes a model of murine pancreas transplantation using a non-suture cuff technique, ideally suited for analyzing these early, deleterious damages.
Murine full-thickness skin transplantation is a well-established model to study rejection in an alloimmune setting. Here, we provide a tutorial of each step involved in performing a BALB/c-->C57BL/6 full-thickness skin transplant.
The method presented here describes a scalable and good manufacturing practice (GMP)-ready differentiation system to generate human hepatocyte-like cells from pluripotent stem cells. It serves as a cost-effective and standardized system to generate human hepatocyte-like cells for basic and applied human liver research.
Guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding is one of the earliest events in G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) activation. This protocol describes how to pharmacologically characterize specific GPCR-ligand interactions by monitoring the binding of the radio-labeled GTP analog, [35S]guanosine-5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate ([35S]GTPγS), in response to a ligand of interest.
Here, we describe a new approach to inflict closed-head traumatic brain injury in Drosophila melanogaster. Our method has the advantage of directly delivering repetitive impacts with adjustable strength to the head alone. Further exploration of the invertebrate system will help to illuminate the pathogenesis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
This protocol efficiently studies mammalian cell division in 3D collagen matrices by integrating synchronization of cell division, monitoring of division events in 3D matrices using live-cell imaging technique, time-resolved confocal reflection microscopy and quantitative imaging analysis.
Here we describe methods for assessing cellular response to acute mechanical stimulation. In the microscopy-based assay, we examine localization of fluorescently-labeled biosensors following brief stimulation with shear flow. We also test activation of various proteins of interest in response to acute mechanical stimulation biochemically.
We describe step-by-step instructions to: 1) efficiently engineer intestinal organoids using magnetic nanoparticles for lenti- or retroviral transduction, and, 2) generate frozen sections from engineered organoids. This approach provides a powerful tool to efficiently alter gene expression in organoids for investigation of downstream effects.
We describe use of full-field optical coherence microscopy as a method for high quality assessment of corneal donor stroma. This protocol can be used to identify features indicative of health or disease, and is aimed at improving the screening and selection of donor tissues, and hence the results of keratoplasty.
This paper describes a statistical model for volumetric MRI data analysis, which identifies the "change-point" when brain atrophy begins in premanifest Huntington's disease. Whole-brain mapping of the change-points is achieved based on brain volumes obtained using an atlas-based segmentation pipeline of T1-weighted images.
Tissue innovative Molds (iMolds) have been developed to reduce specimen movement, structurally support the specimen being imaged, and allow for repeated imaging on precise anatomical locations using optically-transparent samples.
ExCYT is a MATLAB-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows users to analyze their flow cytometry data via commonly employed analytical techniques for high-dimensional data including dimensionality reduction via t-SNE, a variety of automated and manual clustering methods, heatmaps, and novel high-dimensional flow plots.
Here, we provide a demonstration of the suction blister cutaneous recall model. The model allows a simple access to study human in vivo adaptive immune responses, for instance in the context of vaccine development.
Here, we describe a protocol for a reproducible laser capture microdissection (LCM) for isolating trabecular meshwork (TM) for downstream RNA analysis. The ability to analyze changes in gene expression in the TM will help in understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of TM-related ocular diseases.
This protocol describes a semi-automated approach to produce hepatocyte-like cells from human pluripotent stem cells in a 96 well plate format. This process is rapid and cost-effective, allowing the production of quality assured batches of hepatocyte-like cells for basic and applied human research.
Electroporation is an effective approach to deliver genes of interests into cells. By applying this approach in vivo on the neurons of adult mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG), we describe a model to study axon regeneration in vivo.
Here, we present a protocol to quickly and reproducibly generate biologically inspired, biodegradable articifical antigen presenting cells (aAPC) with tunable size, shape, and surface protein presentation for T cell expansion ex vivo or in vivo.
We describe the development of a lean PCOS-like mouse model with dihydrotestosterone pellet to study the pathophysiology of PCOS and the offspring from these PCOS-like dams.
We present a protocol and associated metadata template for the extraction of text describing biomedical concepts in clinical case reports. The structured text values produced through this protocol can support deep analysis of thousands of clinical narratives.
The overall goal of this article is to standardize the protocol for the isolation, characterization, and differentiation of cardiac stem cells (CSCs) from the adult mouse heart. Here, we describe a density gradient centrifugation method to isolate murine CSCs and elaborated methods for CSC culture, proliferation, and differentiation into cardiomyocytes.
This article presents a detailed protocol for T4 ligation and denaturing PAGE purification of small circular DNA molecules, annealing and native PAGE analysis of circular tiles, assembling and AFM imaging of 1D and 2D DNA nanostructures, as well as agarose gel electrophoresis and centrifugation purification of finite DNA nanostructures.
Here, we present a flow cytometric protocol to identify CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, γδ T cells, B cells, NK cells and monocytes in human peripheral blood by using only two fluorochromes instead of seven. With this approach, five additional markers can be recorded on most flow cytometers.
Lung ultrasound is a noninvasive and valuable tool for bedside evaluation of neonatal lung diseases. However, a relative lack of reference standards, protocols and guidelines may limit its application. Here, we aim to develop a standardized neonatal lung ultrasound diagnostic protocol to be used in clinical decision-making.
An approach is described for real-time detection of the innate immune response to cutaneous wounding and Staphylococcus aureus infection of mice. By comparing LysM-EGFP mice (which possess fluorescent neutrophils) with a LysM-EGFP crossbred immunodeficient mouse strain, we advance our understanding of infection and the development of approaches to combat infection.
We present a protocol and associated programming code as well as metadata samples to support a cloud-based automated identification of phrases-category association representing unique concepts in user selected knowledge domain in biomedical literature. The phrase-category association quantified by this protocol can facilitate in depth analysis in the selected knowledge domain.
Here, we present a protocol to culture human enteroid or colonoid monolayers that have intact barrier function to study host epithelial-microbiota interactions at the cellular and biochemical level.
The purpose of this manuscript and protocol is to explain and demonstrate in detail the surgical procedure of orthotopic kidney transplantation in rats. This method is simplified to achieve the correct perfusion of the donor kidney and shorten the reperfusion time by using the venous and ureteral cuff anastomosis technique.
This protocol demonstrates how to prepare a briquette sample and conduct a uniaxial compression experiment with a briquette in different CO2 pressures using a visualized and constant-volume gas-solid coupling test system. It also aims to investigate changes in terms of coal’s physical and mechanical properties induced by CO2 adsorption.
The protocol describes the use of wire myography to evaluate the transmural isometric tension of mesenteric arteries isolated from mice, with special consideration of the modulation by factors released from endothelial cells and perivascular adipose tissues.
The purpose of this method is to generate heart field-specific cardiac progenitor cells in vitro in order to study the progenitor cell specification and functional properties, and to generate chamber specific cardiac cells for heart disease modelling.
This protocol describes an approach to produce hepatospheres from human pluripotent stem cells using a defined culture system and cell self-assembly. This protocol is reproducible in a number of cell lines, cost effective and allows the production of stable human hepatospheres for biomedical application.
Complex human diseases can be challenging to model in traditional laboratory model systems. Here, we describe a surgical approach to model human muscle disease through the transplantation of human skeletal muscle biopsies into immunodeficient mice.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) N-glycan is characterized using hydrophilic interaction chromatography UPLC. In addition, the structure of IgG N-glycan is clearly separated. Presented here is an introduction to this experimental method so that it can be widely used in research settings.
Presented here is a protocol to build nomograms based on the Cox proportional hazards regression model and competing risk regression model. The competing method is a more rational method to apply when competing events are present in the survival analysis.
Pneumothorax is a common emergency and critical disease in newborn infants that needs rapid, clear diagnosis and timely treatment. Diagnosis and treatment based on chest X-rays are associated with delayed management and radiation damage. Lung ultrasound (US) provides useful guidance for rapid, accurate diagnosis and the precise thoracentesis of pneumothorax.
Here, we describe a detailed method for seamless gene editing in human pluripotent stem cells using a piggyBac-based donor plasmid and the Cas9 nickase mutant. Two point mutations were introduced into exon 8 of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4α) locus in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).
The goal of this article is to provide a standardized approach to induce human hepatic progenitor differentiation from pluripotent stem cells. The development of this procedure with ready-to-use media formulations offer the user a facile system to generate human liver cells for biomedical research and translation.
Herein, we describe a procedure for genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in gastrointestinal cancers. The procedure is of relevance to studies that investigate relationships between methylation patterns of genes and factors contributing to carcinogenesis in gastrointestinal cancers.
Presented here is a protocol for chronic sleep fragmentation (CSF) model achieved by an electrically controlled orbital rotor, which could induce confirmed cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in young wild-type mice. This model can be applied to explore the pathogenesis of chronic sleep disturbance and related disorders.
A high platform can fix rats without restriction and completely expose the acupoints on the back during acupuncture manipulation. This article describes methods for the fabrication of the high platform, establishes a rat model of asthma and measures changes in respiratory function using a noninvasive and real-time whole-body plethysmography (WBP) system.
Primary hepatocytes are a valuable tool to study liver response and metabolism in vitro. Utilizing commercially available reagents, an improved time- and labor-efficient protocol for mouse primary hepatocyte isolation was developed.
Here, we establish a novel Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat model of superior sagittal sinus (SSS) thrombosis via a thread-embolization method, and the stability and reliability of the model were verified.
Here, a syngeneic orthotopic implantation followed by an amputation procedure of the osteosarcoma with spontaneous pulmonary metastasis that can be used for preclinical investigation of metastasis biology and development of novel therapeutics is described.
Here, the authors showcase the utility of MULTI-seq for phenotyping and subsequent paired scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq in characterizing the transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiles in retina.
Gangliosides are sialic acid-bearing glycosphingolipids that are particularly abundant in the brain. Their amphipathic nature requires organic/aqueous extraction and purification techniques to ensure optimal recovery and accurate analyses. This article provides overviews of analytic and preparative scale ganglioside extraction, purification, and thin layer chromatography analysis.
This protocol describes an optimized workflow for nuclei isolation and super-resolution structured illumination microscopy to evaluate individual nucleoporins within the nucleoplasm and NPCs in induced pluripotent stem cell derived neurons and postmortem human tissues.
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) contribute to cellular biology and intercellular communications. There is a need for practical assays to visualize and quantify EVs uptake by the cells. The current protocol proposes the EV uptake assay by utilizing three-dimensional fluorescence imaging via confocal microscopy, following EV isolation by a nano-filtration-based microfluidic device.
Spatial distance is a key parameter in assessing hypoxia/reoxygenation injury in a co-culture model of separate endothelial and cardiomyocyte cell layers, suggesting, for the first time, that optimizing the co-culture spatial environment is necessary to provide a favorable in vitro model for testing the role of endothelial cells in cardiomyocyte protection.
Plaquing is a routine method used to quantify live viruses in a population. Though plaquing is frequently taught in various microbiology curricula with bacteria and bacteriophages, plaquing of mammalian viruses is more complex and time-consuming. This protocol describes the procedures that function reliably for regular work with herpes simplex viruses.
Proteomic dysregulation plays an important role in the spread of diffusely infiltrating gliomas, but several relevant proteins remain unidentified. Digital spatial processing (DSP) offers an efficient, high-throughput approach for characterizing the differential expression of candidate proteins that may contribute to the invasion and migration of infiltrative gliomas.
The present protocol describes an assay to assess the capacity for fatty acid oxidation in cultures of primary bone cells or relevant cell lines.
This manuscript describes the establishment of an infectious model of pneumonia in mice and the respective characterization of injury resolution along with methods for growing bacteria and intratracheal instillation. A novel approach using high-dimensional flow cytometry to evaluate the immune landscape is also described.
This article describes a technique for rapid human temporal bone sectioning that utilizes a microsaw with twin diamond blades to generate thin slices for rapid decalcification and analysis of temporal bone immunohistochemistry.
The present protocol describes a standardized resection of brain tumors in rodents through a minimally invasive approach with an integrated tissue preservation system. This technique has implications for accurately mirroring the standard of care in rodent and other animal models.
In this work, a rapid, sensitive, and portable detection method for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus based on recombinase polymerase amplification combined with CRISPR-Cas12a was developed.
A mouse surgical model to create left lung ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury while maintaining ventilation and avoiding hypoxia.
This protocol describes a method for monitoring the progression of morphological changes over time in the uterus in an inducible mouse model of endometrial cancer using ultrasound imaging with correlation to gross and histological changes.
Published data pertaining to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) concentrations in human plasma are inconsistent. These inconsistencies may be due to the lack of a standardized, validated methodology to quantify this neuropeptide. Here, we describe a validated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) protocol to purify and quantify CGRP in human plasma.
Disruption of the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) can be successfully achieved with the intravenous administration of microbubbles and the application of low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU). This protocol details the opening of the BSCB using LIFU in a rodent model, including equipment setup, microbubble injection, target localization, and BSCB disruption visualization.
Here, we describe a protocol that details how to perform sonodynamic therapy in an in vivo mouse glioblastoma model using magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound.
Here, we present a protocol for using a high-throughput system that enables the monitoring and quantification of the neuromodulatory effects of focused ultrasound on human-induced pluripotent stem cell (HiPSC) neurons.
A reliable and reproducible approach for the insertion and maintenance of a tunneled Hickman catheter for long-term vascular access in swine is described. Placement of a central venous catheter allows for convenient daily sampling of whole blood from awake animals and intravenous administration of medication and fluids.
This protocol presents a transpupillary vision-guided trans-scleral approach to safely and precisely deliver subretinal cellular grafts, with a low rate of surgical complications, in mouse recipients with or without retinal degeneration.
Here, we present a protocol demonstrating the installation and use of a bioinformatics pipeline to analyze chimeric RNA sequencing data used in the study of in vivo RNA:RNA interactions.
The article describes the methods and reagents necessary to perform hybridization chain reaction RNA whole-mount fluorescence in situ hybridization (HCR RNA WM-FISH) to reveal insights into the spatial and cellular resolution of chemosensory receptor genes in the mosquito antenna and maxillary palp.
Here, we describe micropipette-guided drug administration (MDA) as an alternative method to oral gavage that incentivizes the research animal to ingest treatments readily with minimal stress and discomfort.
In this article, we detail methods to characterize an enzyme's ability to retain function when incubated at 37 °C in human serum, a pharmacological property referred to as its serum stability. This ability may be a key factor in predicting an enzyme's pharmacokinetic profile and its suitability for therapeutic use.
Here, we describe a technique for harvesting human vestibular end-organs under physiologic conditions during labyrinthectomy and their analysis using immunostaining.
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