To begin corneal nerve axotomy, place an anesthetized mouse on a table. Apply a drop of artificial tear on the eye undergoing the surgery. Apply a drop of ocular gel on the contralateral eye.
Position the mouse under a binocular loupe to assess the eye that is being operated on. Place the bottom of a Petri dish under the mouse's head to keep the eye horizontal. With a cotton swab, carefully dad the artificial tear from the eye and remove the eyelashes without touching the eye.
Place a pair of smooth curved pillars under the animal's eye and gently pop it out of the orbit. Gently place a biopsy punch vertically against the cornea surface, apply pressure, and twist the punch several times. Then, remove the biopsy punch and a circular mark should be visible on the cornea.
A thin peripheral ring was seen at the point where the biopsy punch was applied, which damaged the basal epithelium. The peripheral nerves appeared to be sectioned, triggering the Wallerian axon degeneration. Heavy degeneration was observed, leading to total loss of innervation in the cornea center.
This resulted in the disintegration of the epithelial layer, creating an ulcer.