To begin assembling the amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram or aEEG recording system, first, insert the aEEG electrode pins into the infant's scalp per standard guidelines. Next, measure and locate the two anatomical landmarks, sagittal suture and ear tragus. Align the electrode measuring tape vertically on the head and parallel to the face.
Match the letters or symbols on the positioning aid until the same letter or symbol appears in both locations. Mark the positions with a surgical pen on each side of the tape. Let the hair part naturally or part it vertically away from the marked position using sterile water and swab sticks.
Dry the area with gauze. Then clean the skin with swabs containing 1%chlorhexidine and 70%alcohol, and let it dry. Hold the skin tight and insert the needle at a 30=degree angle with the sensor wire upwards.
If the scalp is very hairy, use skin preparation swabs around the needle insertion site. Secure the subdermal needle electrode in place using Steri-Strips and the Chevron method. Use two small pieces of Tegaderm on opposite sides of the needle to sandwich the needle.
Point the needles and wires in the same direction. Place the reference electrode on the chest anteriorly or posteriorly, the back of the shoulder, or the nape area of the neck. Connect the electrodes to the aEEG amplifier using the C3-C4 and P3-P4 configurations.
Connect the amplifier to the tablet computer using an ethernet cable. Turn on the tablet and log in. Enter the Acquire Pro application, which will automatically apply the default neonatal configuration.
Change the default settings of impedance from five kiloohms to 10 kiloohms. Press Record Now to automatically create a patient ID.Press the EEG tab to observe the live trace. Finally, secure the clinical tablet to the cot used to transport the infant, which is either a Mansell Neocot or a Voyager Transport Incubator.
The location of the tablet on the cot depends on which cot is taken on the transport.