Among the many behaviors displayed by C-elegans, pathogenic lawn avoidance is the worm's defense strategy to minimize its exposure to harmful pathogens. In our lab, we use this behavior as a tool to identify genes involved in the proper functioning of the neurons that mediate this behavior. The lawn avoidance behavior is a simple assay, however it develops over many hours.
Hence, it is convenient if the assay can be recorded to observe behavior over long time periods. Also, if multiple assays can be recorded at the same time, that's even better. Although there are many imaging solutions described in the literature, even a few modestly priced cameras may be out of reach for labs with limited resources.
Also, some may want to try the assay, but do not plan on doing it long term. For such cases, short-term solutions such as this protocol might help. Our amazing protocol offers an easy, low cost way to record worm behavior.
We use smartphones to record the assay, then process the video through a Python script that makes it suitable for counting.