We developing point-of-care test to detecting these material of infectious diseases. This test use isothermal nucleic acid amplification and CRISPR-based detection. With highly osmotic accuracy similar to PCR, they can detect small sequence differences including single nucleotide polymorphism and can be multiples.
CRISPR, the osmotic reactions contain multiple components and steps and are difficult to perform at the point of care. As CRISPR-based, the osmotics are highly sensitive, there is a risk of carryover contamination which can lead to false results. Fortunately, this problem can be mitigated if we simplify the procedures of the reactions.
We offer an easy to use method to detect our disease pathogens and genetics markers using recombinase isothermal amplification and CRISPR-based reagents. These reagents are simple to store and use. We also offer tips to fix common issues when using these methods and reagents, making it easier for people to use them.
The protocol here uses CRISPR reagents, which facilitate the transportation and storage. The freeze-dried reagents can easily be rehydrated at the points of use and retain high amplification and detection efficiencies. We hope to apply CRISPR diagnostic technologies to detect endemic and emerging infectious disease.
If this test can be routinely and correctly performed at the point of care, that could inform antiviral and antibiotic treatment options, potentially save lives, reduce drug overuse, and the development of resistance.