Schuichi Koizumi

Department of Neuropharmacology,

Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine,

GLIA Center,

Faculty of Medicine,

Yamanashi GLIA center,

Department of Neuropharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,

Yamanashi GLIA center, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine,

Department of Neuropharmacology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine

University of Yamanashi

Dr Koizumi received his PhD at Kyushu University majored in Neuropharmacology, and then did posdoc in Health Science foundation in Japan (Prof Inoue), and in Cambridge University in UK (Prof Mike Berridge). He got a Researcher position in 1999 in National Institute of Health Sciences in Japan, and then got a Professor position in 2007 at Faculty of Medicine, Univ Yamanashi in Japan.

Dr Koizumi is interested in physiology and pathophysiology of glia-neuron interaction in relation to several brain diseases. In 2021, He established Yamanashi GLIA Centre in the university, and is a director of the Centre. He is also interested in ATP purinertic signalling, a pivotal mediator between glia and neurons. The current special interest is to clarify mechanisms underlying synapse formation and elimination mediated by astrocytes/microglia in many of pathophysiological conditions.

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