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  • Protocol
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Presented here is a protocol to measure in vivo adipose tissue kinetics in humans using the deuterium (2H)-labeling method.


White adipose tissue is a highly plastic organ that is necessary to maintain whole-body energy homeostasis. The adipose tissue mass and changes in the fat mass or distribution are regulated by changes in the synthesis and breakdown (i.e., turnover) of adipose cells and triacylglycerols. Evidence suggests that the manner and magnitude of subcutaneous adipose tissue expansion (i.e., hypertrophy vs. hyperplasia) and turnover can influence metabolic health, as adipogenesis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity and related diseases. Despite the potential role of adipose turnover in human health, there is a lack of knowledge about the in vivo kinetics of adipose cells. This is due, in part, to the slow turnover rate of the cells in adipose tissue and the practical complexity of directly labeling their metabolic precursors in vivo. Herein, we describe methods to measure in vivo adipose kinetics and turnover rates in humans through the consumption of deuterium (2H)-labeled water. The incorporation of 2H into the deoxyribonucleotide moieties of DNA in pre-adipocytes and adipocytes provides an accurate measure of cell formation and death (adipose turnover). Overall, this is an innovative approach to measuring in vivo adipose kinetics and represents a substantive departure from other in vitro assessments.


Obesity is a disease characterized by excess white adipose tissue (AT) and is a significant risk factor for the development of Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease1. White AT is a highly plastic organ that stores energy in the form of triacylglycerols (TGs) and is essential for metabolic homeostasis2. White AT retains the ability to expand, reduce, and remodel during adulthood3, and the AT mass is determined by dynamic changes in the adipocyte volume (via TG synthesis and breakdown), continual adipocyte formation via the proliferation and differentiation of pre-adipocytes ....


Pennington Biomedical Research Center's Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved all the procedures (#10039-PBRC), and all human subjects gave written informed consent.

1. Eight week 2H2O-labeling period

  1. Administer aliquots of either 70% or 99.9% deuterium-labeled water (2H2O) in sterile plastic containers.
  2. Instruct the participants to drink 35 mL doses of 99.9% enriched 2H2O or 40 mL doses of 70% enriched 2H2O three times per day in week 1 (priming period) and to drink two 35 mL or 50 mL doses, respectively, ....

Representative Results

The 2H2O labeling protocol (section 1) maintains near-plateau 2H enrichment in the body water within the range of 1.0%-2.5% for the duration of the 8 week labeling period10, as shown in Figure 2. A previous study utilized the 2H2O labeling protocol to assess adipose kinetics via the incorporation of 2H into the DNA of adipose cells, as detailed in sections 2-8, and reported that in vivo


In vivo assessments are necessary to provide new knowledge on the dynamics of white AT turnover and its role in obesity and related metabolic diseases, as in vitro assessments do not encompass the natural environment of the AT. Although the use of retrospective radiocarbon dating to assess adipose dynamics has been informative7,25, this approach is not suitable for capturing dynamic changes during prospective intervention studies. The 2


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


The authors thank the Mass Spectrometry Core at Pennington Biomedical Research Center.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2H2OSigma Aldrich
Acetic anhydrideAldridge539996
ACK Lysing Buffer (erythrocyte lysis buffer)Quality Biological Inc (VWR)10128-802
Agilent 6890/5973 GC/MS Agilent
Anti-human CD31 (PECAM-1) BiotinInvitrogen13-0319-82
Anti-human CD34 BiotinInvitrogen13-0349-82
Anti-human CD45BioLegend304004
Antibiotic Antimycotic SolutionMilliporeSigmaA5955
Collagenase type 1Worthington Biochemical CorporationLS004196
Deoxyribose (2-deoxy d-ribose)MilliporeSigma31170
Deuterium OxideMilliporeSigma756822
DB-225 column (30m, 0.25mm, 0.25um)J&W Scientific122-2232
Dichloromethane (DCM)MilliporeSigma34856
DNA standard (calf thymus DNA)MilliporeSigmaD4764
Dneasy Blood and Tissue Kit (DNA extraction kit)Qiagen69504
Easy Sep Human Biotin kitStem Cell Technologies17663
EasySep Human CD14 Positive Selection CocktailStem Cell Technologies18058C
Ethyl acetateFisherEX0241-1
Falcon 5 mL Round Bottom Polystyrene Test TubeVWR60819-295
Ficoll-Paque PlusMilliporeSigmaGE17-1440-02
GC vials (2 mL)FisherC-4011-1W
GC vial insertsFisherC-4011-631; C-4012-530
Glacial acetic acidFisherAC14893-0010
Glass tubes (for hydrolysis)Fisher14-959-35AA
HEPES bufferThermoFisher15630080
Hyclone Water, molecular biology gradeThomas ScientificSH30538.02
MEM alphaFisher Scientific32561-037
PFBHA (o-(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)-penatfluorobenzylhydroxylamin hydrochloride)MilliporeSigma194484
pH indicator stripsFisher987618
Phosphatase acidCalbiochem (VWR)80602-592
S1 nuclease (from Aspergillus oryzae)MilliporeSigmaN5661
Sodium sulfateMilliporeSigma23913


  1. Cypess, A. M. Reassessing human adipose tissue. The New England Journal of Medicine. 386 (8), 768-779 (2022).
  2. Cinti, S. The adipose organ at a glance. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 5 (5), 588-594 (2012).
  3. Sethi, J. K., Vidal-Puig, A. J. ....

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Adipose Tissue KineticsDeuterium LabelingIn Vivo Adipose TurnoverAdipogenesisAdipose Cell Synthesis And BreakdownMetabolic HealthObesityPre adipocytesAdipocytesDNA LabelingCell Formation And Death

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