Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
The Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada
BALAKRISHNAN Solaimuthu currently working as a Golda Meir Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. His current research work dissects the potential roles of metabolic genes towards cancer metastasis. The goal is the identity the underlying mechanism responsible for epithelial to mesenchymal (EMT) transition within cancer cells thereby improving the therapeutic opportunities.
Dr. Bala has obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences - Endocrinology at Dr. A.L.M. Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, India. During his doctoral training, he was working on the Effect of gold nanoparticles conjugated quercetin on EMT in breast cancer (Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery). He is a recipient of numerous awards including the international travel award by Growth Hormones Research Society (GRS) and Insulin-like growth factors Society (IGFs) in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prof. N. J Chinoy award from International Conference on Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (ICRBCE) & 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (SRBCE), University of Hyderabad, India. Best Poster Award from Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS) in International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, GITAM University, India. And Poster Award from 33rd Annual Meeting of the SRBCE & International Conference on Bioactive Chemicals for Reproduction and Human Health (2015), Davangere University, Davangere, India.
He earned his Undergraduate from Presidency College affiliated to University of Madras and Master of Science from Dr. A.L.M. Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, India, (2007 -2012).
• Solaimuthu Bⵜ, Hayashi A, Khatib A, Shaul YDⵜ. Monitoring Breast Cancer Growth and Metastatic Colony Formation in Mice using Bioluminescence. J Vis Exp. 2021. PMID: 34806708.
• Khatib A, Balakrishnan S, Ben Yosef M, Abu Rmaileh A, Tanna M, Oren G, Schlesinger Frisch M, Axelrod JH, Lichtenstein M, Shaul YD.The glutathione peroxidase 8 (GPX8)/IL-6/STAT3 axis is essential in maintaining an aggressive breast cancer phenotype. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2020). 117:21420-21431. PMID: 32817494.
• *Rmaileh AA, *Balakrishnan S, *Tanna M, Khatib A, Yosef MB, Hayashi A, Lichtenstein M, Shaul YD. Large-Scale Differential Gene Expression Transcriptomic Analysis Identifies a Metabolic Signature Shared by All Cancer Cells. Biomolecules (2020). 10:701. PMID: 32365991
• Balakrishnan S, Mukherjee S, Das S, Bhat FA, Raja Singh P, Patra CR, Arunakaran J. Gold nanoparticles-conjugated quercetin induces apoptosis via inhibition of EGFR/PI3K/Akt-mediated pathway in breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231). Cell Biochem Funct (2017). 35:217-231. PMID: 28498520.
• Balakrishnan S, Bhat FA, Raja Singh P, Mukherjee S, Elumalai P, Das S, Patra CR, Arunakaran J. Gold nanoparticle-conjugated quercetin inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition, angiogenesis and invasiveness via EGFR/VEGFR-2-mediated pathway in breast cancer. Cell Prolif (2016). 49: 678-697. PMID: 27641938.
• Bhat FA, Sharmila G, Balakrishnan S, Arunkumar R, Elumalai P, Suganya S, Raja Singh P, Srinivasan N, Arunakaran J. Quercetin reverses EGF-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition and invasiveness in prostate cancer (PC-3) cell line via EGFR/PI3K/Akt pathway. J Nutr Biochem (2014). 25; 1132-1139. PMID: 25150162.
• Firdous AB, Sharmila G, Balakrishnan S, RajaSingh P, Suganya S, Srinivasan N, Arunakaran J. Quercetin, a natural dietary flavonoid, acts as a chemopreventive agent against prostate cancer in an in vivo model by inhibiting the EGFR signaling pathway. Food Funct (2014). 5: 2632-45. PMID: 25164625
• Elumalai P, Brindha Mercy A, Arunkamar R, Sharmila G, Bhat FA, Balakrishnan S, Raja Singh P, Arunakaran J. Nimbolide inhibits invasion and migration, and down-regulates uPAR chemokine gene expression, in two breast cancer cell lines. Cell Prolif (2014). 47; 540-52. PMID: 25377085.
• Raja Singh P, Sugantha Priya E, Balakrishnan S, Arunkumar R, Sharmila G, Rajalakshmi M, Arunakaran J. Inhibition of cell survival and proliferation by nimbolide in human androgen-independent prostate cancer (PC-3) cells: involvement of the PI3K/Akt pathway. Mol Cell Biochem (2017). 427: 69-79. PMID: 28025797.
• Singh PR, Priya ES, Balakrishnan S, Arunkumar R, Sharmila G, Rajalakshmi M, Arunakaran J. Nimbolide inhibits androgen independent prostate cancer cells survival and proliferation by modulating multiple pro-survival signaling pathways. Biomed Pharmacother (2016). 84;1623-1634. PMID: 27889231.
• Priya ES, Kumar TS, Singh PR, Balakrishnan S, Arunakaran J (2018). Impact of Lactational Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyl Causes Epigenetic Modification and Impairs Sertoli Cells Functional Regulators in F1 Progeny. Reprod Sci. 6:818-829. PMID: 28359186.
* = Equal contribution
ⵜ = Equal correspondence
Large-Scale Differential Gene Expression Transcriptomic Analysis Identifies a Metabolic Signature Shared by All Cancer Cells.
Biomolecules 04, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32365991
The glutathione peroxidase 8 (GPX8)/IL-6/STAT3 axis is essential in maintaining an aggressive breast cancer phenotype.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 09, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32817494
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