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Cortisol (CORT) accumulates in the growing hair shaft of humans and nonhuman primates. We describe methods for extracting and analyzing hair CORT with high precision and sensitivity. Measurement of hair CORT is particularly well-suited for assessing chronic stress over periods of weeks to months.
The stress hormone cortisol (CORT) is slowly incorporated into the growing hair shaft of humans, nonhuman primates, and other mammals. We developed and validated a method for CORT extraction and analysis from rhesus monkey hair and subsequently adapted this method for use with human scalp hair. In contrast to CORT "point samples" obtained from plasma or saliva, hair CORT provides an integrated measure of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system activity, and thus physiological stress, during the period of hormone incorporation. Because human scalp hair grows at an average rate of 1 cm/month, CORT levels obtained from hair segments several cm in length can potentially serve as a biomarker of stress experienced over a number of months.
In our method, each hair sample is first washed twice in isopropanol to remove any CORT from the outside of the hair shaft that has been deposited from sweat or sebum. After drying, the sample is ground to a fine powder to break up the hair's protein matrix and increase the surface area for extraction. CORT from the interior of the hair shaft is extracted into methanol, the methanol is evaporated, and the extract is reconstituted in assay buffer. Extracted CORT, along with standards and quality controls, is then analyzed by means of a sensitive and specific commercially available enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit. Readout from the EIA is converted to pg CORT per mg powdered hair weight. This method has been used in our laboratory to analyze hair CORT in humans, several species of macaque monkeys, marmosets, dogs, and polar bears. Many studies both from our lab and from other research groups have demonstrated the broad applicability of hair CORT for assessing chronic stress exposure in natural as well as laboratory settings.
Measurement of CORT in plasma, saliva, or occasionally in urine or feces has been used as an index of physiological stress since Selye's discovery of the role of the HPA axis in stress1. Although numerous papers have been published relating HPA activity to acutely stressful situations, the field has been hampered by the lack of a simple and reliable index of chronic physiological stress. This problem arises because plasma and saliva both yield "point" estimates of HPA activity that are subject to circadian variation and can be confounded by environmental disturbances. Urinary and fecal samples yield measurements of CORT and/or metabolite excreti....
1. Sample Collection and Storage
Figure 1 shows the printout from a representative set of human hair samples (adult male and female human subjects) processed using method 2 grinding and extraction. Computer software was used to generate the data output and to fit a 4-parameter sigmoidal curve to the CORT standards (Figure 2). The between-well CVs from this plate ranged from 0.01-5.73% with an average intra-assay CV of 1.34%. The inter-assay CV determined using the QC values from nine recent human hair assays was 4........
The hair CORT procedure described above is simple to perform, is relatively inexpensive, makes use of readily available chemicals, reagents, and supplies, and requires equipment that, with one exception, is likely to be present in a typical analytical laboratory. The exception is a grinding apparatus such as a ball mill or mini-beadbeater. We note that some research groups mince hair samples into small fragments roughly 1 mm in length12, but based on our observations we recommend performing grinding inste.......
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
We thank Kymberlee O'Brien, Celia Moore, and Edward Tronick (Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Boston) for providing the human hair samples analyzed in this study, and Stephen Suomi and Amanda Dettmer (Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, NICHD) for providing the rhesus monkey hair samples. Initial development and continued use of this method has been supported by NIH RR11122 to M.A.N.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
HPLC-grade isopropanol | Fisher | A451 | |
HPLC-grade methanol | Fisher | A452 | |
Salivary cortisol assay kits | Salimetrics | 1-3002 | See manufacturer's kit insert for information on assay sensitivity and specificity |
15-ml polypropylene screw-cap centrifuge tubes | Max Scientific | 10-9151 | |
1.5-ml Safe-Lock microcentrifuge tubes | Fisher | 05-402-25 | |
2.0-ml Safe-Lock microcentrifuge tubes | Fisher | 05-402-7 | |
2.0-ml XXTuff reinforced microvials | BioSpec | 330TX | Use with mini-beadbeater |
3.2-mm chrome-steel beads | BioSpec | 11079132c | Use with mini-beadbeater |
10-ml stainless steel grinding jars | Retsch | 02.462.0061 | Use with mixer mill |
12-mm stainless steel grinding balls | Retsch | 05.368.0037 | Use with mixer mill |
Savant activated carbon cartridge | Fisher | DTK120R | Use with Savant chemical trap |
Name of Equipment | Company | Catalog Number | Comments/Description |
Rotator for 15-ml centrifuge tubes | Fisher | S02135 | |
Rotator for microcentrifuge tubes | Fisher | NC9854190 | |
Benchtop centrifuge for microcentrifuge tubes | Fisher | 13-100-675 | |
MM 200 mixer mill | Retsch | 20.746.0001 | |
Mini-Beadbeater 16 | BioSpec | 607 | |
Savant DNA Speedvac | Fisher | DNA120-115 | |
Savant refrigerated vapor trap | Fisher | RVT400-115 | |
Savant chemical trap | Fisher | SCT120 | Alternative to refrigerated vapor trap |
Microplate reader | |||
Microplate washer | |||
Microplate mixer | |||
Multichannel pipetter | |||
Analytical balance |
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