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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Disclosures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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The goal of the protocol is to show longitudinal intravital real-time tracking of thymocytes by laser scanning microscopy in thymic implants in the anterior chamber of the mouse eye. The transparency of the cornea and vascularization of the graft allows for continuously recording progenitor cell recruitment and mature T-cell egress.


The purpose of the method being presented is to show, for the first time, the transplant of newborn thymi into the anterior eye chamber of isogenic adult mice for in vivo longitudinal real-time monitoring of thymocytes´ dynamics within a vascularized thymus segment. Following the transplantation, laser scanning microscopy (LSM) through the cornea allows in vivo noninvasive repeated imaging at cellular resolution level. Importantly, the approach adds to previous intravital T-cell maturation imaging models the possibility for continuous progenitor cell recruitment and mature T-cell egress recordings in the same animal. Additional advantages of the system are the transparency of the grafted area, permitting macroscopic rapid monitoring of the implanted tissue, and the accessibility to the implant allowing for localized in addition to systemic treatments. The main limitation being the volume of the tissue that fits in the reduced space of the eye chamber which demands for lobe trimming. Organ integrity is maximized by dissecting thymus lobes in patterns previously shown to be functional for mature T-cell production. The technique is potentially suited to interrogate a milieu of medically relevant questions related to thymus function that include autoimmunity, immunodeficiency and central tolerance; processes which remain mechanistically poorly defined. The fine dissection of mechanisms guiding thymocyte migration, differentiation and selection should lead to novel therapeutic strategies targeting developing T cells.


Intrathymic T-cell differentiation and T-cell subpopulation selection constitute key processes for the development and maintenance of cell-mediated immunity in vertebrates1. This process involves a complex sequence of tightly organized events including the recruitment of progenitors from bloodstream, cell proliferation and migration, differential expression of membrane proteins, and massive programmed cell death for subsets selection. The result is the release of mature T-cells reactive to an ample spectrum of foreign antigens while displaying minimized responses to self-peptides, which end-up colonizing the peripheral lymphoid organs of the in....


The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of Miami approved all the experiments according to IACUC guidelines.

1. Isolation and Trimming of Newborn Thymi

  1. Prepare all reagents and instruments by autoclaving or other methods, ensuring sterile conditions.
  2. To minimize contaminations, perform all surgical procedures under a laminar flow hood.
  3. Prior to euthanizing donor mice, fill a 60 mm sterile dish with sterile prechilled 1x phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) and place it on ice. It will be used for rinsing and storing the excised thymi from donor mice prior to the transplant....

Representative Results

Thymus from newborn mice were isolated from B6.Cg-Tg(CAG-DsRed*MST)1Nagy/Jas mice as described in this protocol (Steps 1.1-1.9). In these transgenic mice, the chicken beta actin promoter directs the expression of the red fluorescent protein variant DsRed. MST under the influence of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate early enhancer facilitating the tracking of implants.

To prevent tissue rejection, isogenic individuals .......


Due to the importance of the T-cell maturation process for individual immune competency4 and the presumed impact of precursor cell dynamics on mature T-cells produced by the thymus2,3, extensive efforts have been invested to develop alternatives to the classical fixed tissue snapshot approach.

Although tissue slices and other explants are clearly superior in reproducing tissue architecture than monolayers or agg.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by NIH grants R56DK084321 (AC), R01DK084321 (AC), R01DK111538 (AC), R01DK113093 (AC), and R21ES025673 (AC), and by the BEST/2015/043 grant (Consellería de Educació, cultura i esport, Generalitat valenciana, Valencia, Spain) (EO). Authors thank the SENT team at the Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valencia, Spain and Alberto Hernandez at Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain for their help with video filming and editing.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Isofluorane vaporizer w/isofluoraneKent Scientific CorpVetFlo-1215
Dissecting scope w/light sourceZeissStemi 305
Fine dissection forcepsWPI500455
Medium dissection forcepsWPI501252
Curved tip fine dissection forcepsWPI15917
Vannas scissorsWPI503371
Dissecting scissorsWPI503243
40 mm 18G needlesBD304622
Disposable transfer pipetteThermofisher201C
Heat pad and heat lampKent Scientific CorpInfrarred
Ethanol 70%VWR83,813,360
60 mm sterile dishSIGMACLS430166
Sterile 1x PBS pH(7,4)Thermofisher10010023
Sterile wipesKimberly-ClarkLD004
Drugs for pain managementSigma-AldrichA3035-1VL
Saline solution or ViscotearsNovartisN/A
StereomicroscopeLeicaMZ FLIII
Head-holding adapterNarishigeSG-4N-S
Gas maskNarishigeGM-4_S
Confocal microscopeLeicaTCS SP5 II
Laminar flow hoodTelstarBIO IIA


  1. Boehm, T., Hess, I., Swann, J. B. Evolution of lymphoid tissues. Trends in Immunology. 33, 315-321 (2012).
  2. Takahama, Y. Journey through the thymus: stromal guides for T-cell development and selection. Nature ....

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In Vivo TrackingThymocytesAnterior ChamberLaser Scanning MicroscopyAutoimmunityImmunodeficiencyCentral ToleranceThymus InvolutionProgenitor RecruitmentT cell EgressionThymus TransplantationCorneal IncisionAnterior Chamber Implantation

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