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Using uniaxial strain combined with spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, we visualize and manipulate the antiferromagnetic domain structure of Fe1+yTe, the parent compound of iron-based superconductors.
The quest to understand correlated electronic systems has pushed the frontiers of experimental measurements toward the development of new experimental techniques and methodologies. Here we use a novel home-built uniaxial-strain device integrated into our variable temperature scanning tunneling microscope that enables us to controllably manipulate in-plane uniaxial strain in samples and probe their electronic response at the atomic scale. Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) with spin-polarization techniques, we visualize antiferromagnetic (AFM) domains and their atomic structure in Fe1+yTe samples, the parent compound of iron-based superconductors, and demonstrate how these domains respond to applied uniaxial strain. We observe the bidirectional AFM domains in the unstrained sample, with an average domain size of ~50-150 nm, to transition into a single unidirectional domain under applied uniaxial strain. The findings presented here open a new direction to utilize a valuable tuning parameter in STM, as well as other spectroscopic techniques, both for tuning the electronic properties as for inducing symmetry breaking in quantum material systems.
High-temperature superconductivity in cuprates and iron-based superconductors is an intriguing state of quantum matter1,2. A major challenge in understanding superconductivity is the locally intertwined nature of various broken symmetry states, such as electronic nematic and smectic phases (that break rotational and translational symmetries of the electronic states), with superconductivity3,4,5,6,7. Manipulation and deliberate tuning of these broken....
NOTE: The U-shaped body is made of 416-grade stainless steel, which is stiff and has a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), ~9.9 μm/(m∙°C), as compared to ~17.3 μm/(m∙°C) for 304-grade stainless steel.
1. Mechanical uniaxial-strain device
STM topographs were measured in constant current mode with a setpoint bias of -12 meV applied to the sample and a setpoint current of -1.5 nA collected on the tip. Pt-Ir tips were used in all experiments. To achieve spin-polarized STM, the scanning tunneling microscope tip has to be coated with magnetic atoms, which can be quite challenging. In this case of studying Fe1+yTe, the sample itself provides a simple means of achieving this. The excess irons (y.......
All operations required to move the samples into and inside the STM are carried out using sets of arm manipulators. The STM is maintained at low temperatures by liquid nitrogen and liquid helium, and the sample cools down for at least 12 h before being approached. This allows the sample and microscope temperature to reach thermal equilibrium. To isolate electric and acoustic noise, the STM is placed in an acoustic and radio frequency shielded room. The microscope head is further suspended from springs for optimized instr.......
The authors have nothing to disclose.
P.A. acknowledges support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER under award No. DMR-1654482. Material synthesis was carried out with the support of the Polish National Science Centre grant No 2011/01/B/ST3/00425.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Belleville spring disks | McMaster Carr | ||
Fe(1.1)Te | Single Crystal | ||
H20E | Epoxy Technology | ||
H74F | Epoxy Technology | ||
Micrometer screws | McMaster Carr | ||
Stainless Steel sheets (416) | McMaster Carr |
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