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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
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Here, we present a protocol to establish important endpoints and proliferative markers of small intestinal injury and compensatory hyperproliferation using a model of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. We demonstrate the detection of proliferating cells using a cell cycle specific marker and using small intestinal weight, crypt depth, and villus height as endpoints.


Intestinal adaptation is the natural compensatory mechanism that occurs when the bowel is lost due to trauma. The adaptive responses, such as crypt cell proliferation and increased nutrient absorption, are critical in recovery, yet poorly understood. Understanding the molecular mechanism behind the adaptive responses is crucial to facilitate the identification of nutrients or drugs to enhance adaptation. Different approaches and models have been described throughout the literature, but a detailed descriptive way to essentially perform the procedures is needed to obtain reproducible data. Here, we describe a method to estimate important endpoints and proliferative markers of small intestinal injury and compensatory hyperproliferation using a model of chemotherapy-induced mucositis in mice. We demonstrate the detection of proliferating cells using a cell cycle specific marker, as well as using small intestinal weight, crypt depth, and villus height as endpoints. Some of the critical steps within the described method are the removal and weighing of the small intestine and the rather complex software system suggested for the measurement of this technique. These methods have the advantages that they are not time-consuming, and that they are cost-effective and easy to carry out and measure.


Intestinal adaptation is the natural compensatory mechanism that occurs when the bowel is lost due to disease or surgery1,2. After trauma, the gut undergoes a morphometric and functional adaptive response, characterized by crypt cell proliferation and increased nutrient absorption3. This step is critical in recovery, yet poorly understood. Experimental studies of the intestinal adaptive response have focused on the changes occurring after small bowel resection in mice, rats, and pigs, but understanding the molecular mechanism behind the adaptive response in other kinds of injuries (e.g.....


All methods described were conducted in accordance with the guidelines of Danish legislation governing animal experimentation (1987). Studies were performed with the permission from the Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate (2013-15-2934-00833) and the local ethical committee.

NOTE: Female C57BL/6J mice (~20−25 g) were obtained and housed eight per cage in standard 12 h light, 12 h dark cycle with free access to water and standard chow. Animals were left to acclimatize for one week befo.......

Representative Results

In the first experiment, we induced mucositis in mice at day 0 and sacrificed a group of mice each day for 5 consecutive days. When measuring the SI weight, we found that this parameter decreased from day 2 until day 4 suggesting a loss in the enterocyte mass. We also found that at day 5, the SI weight was not significantly different from day 0 (untreated mice) (Figure 1). The proliferation measured by the incorporation of BrdU was almost abolished at day 1 a.......


Here, we demonstrate a widely accessible method to study SI injury and regeneration in a mouse model. A wide variety of preclinical animal models of intestinal injury exist, but it is vital we understand that each model is unique and that the endpoints must be appropriate to answer the research question. This model is excellent to study adaptive response to injury, but the endpoints should be modified when using the model as a pre-clinical model of mucositis. However, translation from animal models to patients is challen.......


This work was supported by an unrestricted grant from the Novo Nordisk Center for Basic Metabolic Research and the Lundbeck Foundation.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
5-FluorouracilHospira Nordic AB, Sweden137853
Ketaminol®VetMerck, New Jersey, USA511485
Rompun®Vet XylazineRompunvet, Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany.148999
10% nautral formalin bufferCell Path Ltd, Powys, United KingdomBAF-5000-08A
HistoClearNational Diagnostics, United KingdomHS-200
PertexHistoLab®, Sweden840
BrdUSigma-Aldrich, Germany.B5002
Tris/EDTA pH 9 bufferThermofisher scientific, DenmarkTA-125-PM4X
Peroxide BlockUltravision Quanto Mouse on Mouse kit, Thermofisher Scientific, DenmarkTL-060-QHDM
Rodent Block bufferUltravision Quanto Mouse on Mouse kit, Thermofisher Scientific, DenmarkTL-060-QHDM
Monoclonal mouse anti-BrdU antibodyThermofisher Scientific, Denmark.MA1-81890
Lab Vision Antibody Diluent OP QuantoThermofisher Scientific, Denmark.TA-125-ADQ
Horseradish peroxidaseUltravision Quanto Mouse on Mouse kit, Thermofisher Scientific, DenmarkTL-060-QHDM
DAB Quanto SubstrateDAB Substrate Kit, Thermofisher Scientific, DenmarkTA-125-QHDX
DAB Quanto ChromogenDAB Substrate Kit, Thermofisher Scientific, DenmarkTA-125-QHDX
Zen Lite Software (Blue edition)Carl Zeiss A/S
ImageJ SoftwareLOCI, University of Wisconsin


  1. Weinstein, L. D., Shoemaker, C. P., Hersh, T., Wright, H. K. Enhanced intestinal absorption after small bowel resection in man. The Archives of Surgery. 99 (5), 560-562 (1969).
  2. Helmrath, M. A., VanderKolk, W. E., Can, G., Erwin, C. R., Warner, B. W.

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5 Florauracil5FUChemotherapy induced MucositisMouse ModelSmall Intestinal InjuryCompensatory HyperproliferationBrdU QuantificationHistological ProcessingImage Analysis

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