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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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Spectral imaging has become a reliable solution for identification and separation of multiple fluorescence signals in a single sample and can readily distinguish signals of interest from background or autofluorescence. Excitation-scanning hyperspectral imaging improves on this technique by decreasing the necessary image acquisition time while simultaneously increasing the signal-to-noise ratio.


Several techniques rely on detection of fluorescence signals to identify or study phenomena or to elucidate functions. Separation of these fluorescence signals were proven cumbersome until the advent of hyperspectral imaging, in which fluorescence sources can be separated from each other as well as from background signals and autofluorescence (given knowledge of their spectral signatures). However, traditional, emission-scanning hyperspectral imaging suffers from slow acquisition times and low signal-to-noise ratios due to the necessary filtering of both excitation and emission light. It has been previously shown that excitation-scanning hyperspectral imaging reduces the necessary acquisition time while simultaneously increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of acquired data. Using commercially available equipment, this protocol describes how to assemble, calibrate, and use an excitation-scanning hyperspectral imaging microscopy system for separation of signals from several fluorescence sources in a single sample. While highly applicable to microscopic imaging of cells and tissues, this technique may also be useful for any type of experiment utilizing fluorescence in which it is possible to vary excitation wavelengths, including but not limited to: chemical imaging, environmental applications, eye care, food science, forensic science, medical science, and mineralogy.


Spectral imaging may be performed in a variety of ways and is referred to by several terms1,2,3,4. In general, spectral imaging refers to data acquired in at least two spatial dimensions and one spectral dimension. Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging are most often distinguished by the number of wavelength bands or whether the spectral bands are contiguous1. For this application, hyperspectral data is defined as spectral data acquired with contiguous wavelength bands achieved by spacing of center wavelengths no le....


1. Device set-up

  1. Light source: select a broad-band spectral light source with high power output and high collimation (a 300 W Xe arc lamp was used for these studies).
  2. Shutter (optional): add a shutter to the optical path to reduce photobleaching for time-lapse imaging.
  3. Tunable filter system: incorporate a mechanical tuning assembly and thin-film tunable filter (TFTF) set to enable the desired wavelength-adjustable excitation range (e.g., 360-485 nm).
  4. Microscope: use an inverted f.......

Representative Results

Several important steps from this protocol are necessary to ensure the collection of data that is both accurate and devoid of imaging and spectral artifacts. Skipping these steps may result in data that appear significant but cannot be verified or reproduced with any other spectral imaging system, thereby effectively nullifying any conclusions made with said data. Chief among these important steps is proper spectral output correction (section 3). The correction factor compensates for wave.......


The optimal use of an excitation-scanning hyperspectral imaging set-up begins with construction of the light path. In particular, choice of light source, filters (tunable and dichroic), filter switching method, and camera determine the available spectral range, possible scan speed, detector sensitivity, and spatial sampling. Mercury arc lamps offer many excitation wavelength peaks but do not provide a flat spectral output and will require significant signal reduction at the output peaks to correct the spectral image data.......


The authors would like to acknowledge support from NSF 1725937, NIH P01HL066299, NIH R01HL058506, NIH S10OD020149, NIH UL1 TR001417, NIH R01HL137030, AHA 18PRE34060163, and the Abraham Mitchell Cancer Research Fund.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Airway Smooth Muscle CellsNational Disease Research Interchange (NDRI)Isolated from human lung tissues obtained from NDRIHighly autofluorescent, calcium sensitive cells
Automated ShutterThorlabs Inc.SHB1Remote-controllable shutter to minimize photobleaching
Automated StagePrior ScientificH177P1T4Remote-controllable stage for automated multiple field of view or stitched image collection.
Automated Stage Controller (XY)Prior ScientificProscan III (H31XYZE-US)For interfacing automated stage with computer and joystick
BufferMade in-houseMade in-house145 mM NaCl, 4 mM KCl, 20 mM HEPES, 10 mM D-glucose, 1 mM MgCl2, and 1mM CaCl2, at pH 7.3
Cell ChamberThermoFisher ScientificAttofluor Cell Chamber, A7816Coverslip holder composed of surgical stainless steel and a rubber O-ring to seal in media and prevent sample and/or objective contamination
Excitation FiltersSemrock Inc.TBP01-378/16Center wavelength range (340-378 nm), Bandwidth (Minimum 16 nm, nominal FWHM 20 nm), Refractive index (1.88)
Semrock Inc.TBP01-402/16Center wavelength range (360-400 nm), Bandwidth (Minimum 16 nm, nominal FWHM 20 nm), Refractive index (1.8)
Semrock Inc.TBP01-449/15Center wavelength range (400-448.8 nm), Bandwidth (Minimum 15 nm, nominal FWHM 20 nm), Refractive index (1.8)
Semrock Inc.TBP01-501/15Center wavelength range (448.8-501.5 nm), Bandwidth (Minimum 15 nm, nominal FWHM 20 nm), Refractive index (1.84)
Semrock Inc.TBP01-561/14Center wavelength range (501.5-561 nm), Bandwidth (Minimum 14 nm, nominal FWHM 20 nm), Refractive index (1.83)
Fluorescence Filter Cube Dichroic BeamsplitterSemrock Inc.FF495-Di03Separates excitation and emission light at 495 nm (>98% reflection between 350-488 nm, >93% transmission between 502-950 nm), Filter effective index (1.78)
Fluorescence Filter Cube Longpass FilterSemrock Inc.FF01 496/LP-25Allows passage of light longer than 496 nm ( >93% average transmission between 503.2-1100 nm), Refractive index (1.86)
GCaMP ProbeAddgeneG-CaMP3; Plasmid #22692A single-wavelength GCaMP2-based genetically encoded calcium indicator
Integrating SphereOcean OpticsFOIS-1Used for accurate measurement of wide-angle illumination
Inverted Fluorescence MicroscopeNikon InstrumentsTE2000Inverted microscopes allow direct excitation of sample without the need to penetrate layers of media and/or tissue.
Mitotracker Green FMThermoFisher ScientificM7514Labels mitochondria
NIST-Traceable Calibration LampOcean OpticsLS-1-CAL-INTA lamp with a known spectrum for use as a standard
NIST-Traceable FluoresceinThermoFisher ScientificF36915For verifying appropriate spectral response of the system
NucBlueThermoFisher ScientificR37605Labels cell nuclei
Objective (10X)Nikon InstrumentsPlan Apo λ 10X/0.45 ∞/0.17 MRD00105Useful for large fields of view
Objective (20X)Nikon InstrumentsPlan Apo λ 20X/0.75 ∞/0.17 MRD00205Most often used for tissue samples
Objective (60X)Nikon InstrumentsPlan Apo VC 60X/1.2 WI ∞/0.15-0.18 WD 0.27Most often used for cell samples
sCMOS CameraPhotometricsPrime 95B (Rev A8-062802018)For acquiring high-sensitivity digital images
SpectrometerOcean OpticsQE65000Used to measure spectral output of excitation-scanning spectral system
Tunable Filter ChangerSutter InstrumentLambda VF-5Motorized unit for automated excitation filter tuning/switching
Xenon Arc LampSunoptic TechnologiesTitan 300HP LightsourceLight source with relatively uniform spectral output


  1. Hagen, N. A., Kudenov, M. W. Review of snapshot spectral imaging technologies. Optical Engineering. 52 (9), 90901 (2013).
  2. Li, Q., He, X., Wang, Y., Liu, H., Xu, D., Guo, F. Review of spectral imaging technology ....

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