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  • Protocol
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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a multicellular neurovascular unit tightly regulating brain homeostasis. By combining human iPSCs and organ-on-chip technologies, we have generated a personalized BBB chip, suitable for disease modeling and CNS drug penetrability predictions. A detailed protocol is described for the generation and operation of the BBB chip.


The blood brain barrier (BBB) is formed by neurovascular units (NVUs) that shield the central nervous system (CNS) from a range of factors found in the blood that can disrupt delicate brain function. As such, the BBB is a major obstacle to the delivery of therapeutics to the CNS. Accumulating evidence suggests that the BBB plays a key role in the onset and progression of neurological diseases. Thus, there is a tremendous need for a BBB model that can predict penetration of CNS-targeted drugs as well as elucidate the BBB's role in health and disease.

We have recently combined organ-on-chip and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technologies to generate a BBB chip fully personalized to humans. This novel platform displays cellular, molecular, and physiological properties that are suitable for the prediction of drug and molecule transport across the human BBB. Furthermore, using patient-specific BBB chips, we have generated models of neurological disease and demonstrated the potential for personalized predictive medicine applications. Provided here is a detailed protocol demonstrating how to generate iPSC-derived BBB chips, beginning with differentiation of iPSC-derived brain microvascular endothelial cells (iBMECs) and resulting in mixed neural cultures containing neural progenitors, differentiated neurons, and astrocytes. Also described is a procedure for seeding cells into the organ chip and culturing of the BBB chips under controlled laminar flow. Lastly, detailed descriptions of BBB chip analyses are provided, including paracellular permeability assays for assessing drug and molecule permeability as well as immunocytochemical methods for determining the composition of cell types within the chip.


The BBB is a highly selective barrier that separates the CNS from the circulating blood. It protects critical brain functions from potentially disruptive substances, factors, and xenobiotics while also allowing the influx of nutrients and other metabolites required to maintain brain homeostasis1. The BBB is a multicellular NVU in which pericytes, astrocyte endfeet, and neuronal processes directly contact brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs). These interactions allow BMECs to form specialized barrier properties that are supported by tight and adherens junctions2,3. The formation....


1. Generation of iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells (iNPCs)

  1. Produce EZ-spheres from iPSC colonies as described below and as previously published20,21,22.
    1. Culture iPSC colonies to confluency on basement membrane matrix-coated 6 well plates (0.5 mg/plate) in mTESR1 or other commercial media (see Table of Materials).
    2. Remove iPSC medium and replace with 2 mL of EZ-sphere medium [ESM; DMEM:F12 7:3 supplemented with 100 ng/mL basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), 100 ng/mL epidermal growth factor, 5 µg/mL heparin, and 2% B....

Representative Results

Figure 6A,B,C represents a BBB chip seeded with EZ-spheres on the "brain side" top channel and iBMECs on the "blood side'" bottom channel. iBMECs were seeded first and allowed to attach overnight, after which EZ-spheres were seeded. Chips were then cultured under static conditions with daily media replacement for seven days. The BBB chip was then fixed using 4% PFA at RT for 10 min and washed 3x with DPBS. Immunocytochemistry was performed on the BBB chip.......


The combination of organ-on-chip technology and iPSC-derived cells in the NVU holds promise for accurate modeling of the human BBB. Here, we provide a detailed protocol for simple and robust application of the recently published iPSC-based BBB chip16. An overview and timing of the seeding paradigm is shown in Figure 3. To obtain and maintain barrier functions that are suitable for BBB modeling, generating a homogenous iBMEC monolayer and retaining its integrity are cr.......


Cedars-Sinai owns a minority stock interest in Emulate, the company that produces the study's microfluidic Organ chips. An officer of Cedars-Sinai also serves on Emulate's Board of Directors. Emulate provided no financial support for this research. Cedars-Sinai and Emulate have patents filed related to this work.


We would like to thank Dr. Soshana Svendsen for critical editing. This work was supported by the Israel Science Foundation grant 1621/18, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Israel 3-15647, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine grant ID DISC1-08800, the Sherman Family Foundation, NIH-NINDS grant 1UG3NS105703, and The ALS Association grant 18-SI-389. AH was funded by Wallenberg Foundation (grant number 2015.0178).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AccutaseEMD MilliporeSCR005Dissociation solution
Chip-S1Emulate IncChip-S1Organ-Chip
Collagen IVSigmaC5533
DMEM: F12Thermo Fisher Scientific31330038
Donkey serumSigmaD9663
Emulate Reagent 1 (ER-1)Emulate IncER-1
Emulate Reagent 2 (ER-2)Emulate IncER-2
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP)DakoZ0334
GlutamaxLife Technologies35050038Glutamine supplement
KOSRThermo Fisher Scientific10828028
MatrigelCorning354234Basement membrane matrix
mTeSR1StemCell Technologies, Inc.85851
NEAABiological industries01-340-1B
NutriStemBiological industries05-100-1AAlternate media
PECAM-1Thermo Fisher Scientific10333
Platelet-poor plasma-derived bovine serum (PPP)Biomedical TechnologiesJ64483AB
Retinoic acid (RA)SigmaR2625
Steriflip-GP Sterile Centrifuge Tube Top Filter UnitMilliporeSCGP00525
Triton X-100SigmaX100
ZO-1 Monoclonal AntibodyInvitrogen33-9100
βIII-tubulin (Tuj1α)SigmaT8660
β-mercaptoethanolLife Technologies31350010


  1. Pardridge, W. M. Blood-brain barrier endogenous transporters as therapeutic targets: a new model for small molecule CNS drug discovery. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets. 19 (8), 1059-1072 (2015).
  2. Gastfriend, B. D., Palecek, S. P., Shusta, E. V.

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IPSCBlood brain BarrierOrgan on chipMicrofluidicNeural DifferentiationCell SeedingDrug PermeabilityNeurological DisordersPersonalized PlatformPharmaceutical Screening

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