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Cancer Research

Orthotopic Transplantation of Breast Tumors as Preclinical Models for Breast Cancer

Published: May 18th, 2020



1Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, 2Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center, Baylor College of Medicine, 3Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine

* These authors contributed equally


Preclinical models that faithfully recapitulate tumor heterogeneity and therapeutic response are critical for translational breast cancer research. Immortalized cell lines are easy to grow and genetically modify to study molecular mechanisms, yet the selective pressure from cell culture often leads to genetic and epigenetic alterations over time. Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models faithfully recapitulate the heterogeneity and drug response of human breast tumors. PDX models exhibit a relatively short latency after orthotopic transplantation that facilitates the investigation of breast tumor biology and drug response. The transplantable genetically engineered mouse models allow the study of breast tumor immunity. The current protocol describes the method to orthotopically transplant breast tumor fragments into the mammary fat pad followed by drug treatments. These preclinical models provide valuable approaches to investigate breast tumor biology, drug response, biomarker discovery and mechanisms of drug resistance.

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Keywords Orthotopic Transplantation

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