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Irradiator Commissioning and Dosimetry for Assessment of LQ α and β Parameters, Radiation Dosing Schema, and in vivo Dose Deposition

Published: March 11th, 2021



1Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, West Virginia University, 2Radiation Oncology, West Virginia University, 3School of Medicine, West Virginia University, 4Department of Neuroscience, West Virginia University

* These authors contributed equally


Radiation dosimetry is critical in the accurate delivery and reproducibility of radiation schemes in preclinical models for high translational relevance. Prior to performing any in vitro or in vivo experiments, the specific dose output for the irradiator and individual experimental designs must be assessed. Using an ionization chamber, electrometer, and solid water setup, the dose output of wide fields at isocenter can be determined. Using a similar setup with radiochromic films in the place of the ionization chamber, dose rates for smaller fields at different depths can also be determined. In vitro clonogenic survival assays of cancer cells in response to radiation treatment are inexpensive experiments that provide a measure of inherent radio-sensitivity of cell lines by fitting these data with the traditional linear-quadratic model. Model parameters estimated from these assays, combined with the principles of biologic effective doses, allows one to develop varying fractionation schedules for radiation treatment that provide equivalent effective doses in tumor-bearing animal experiments. This is an important factor to consider and correct for in comparing in vivo radiation therapy schedules to eliminate potential confounding of results due to variance in the delivered effective doses. Taken together, this article provides a general method for dose output verification preclinical animal and cabinet irradiators, in vitro assessment of radio-sensitivity, and verification of radiation delivery in small living organisms.

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Keywords Irradiator Commissioning

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