After placing the biochar-producing air curtain burner, load the firebox with dry feedstock using a mini excavator or by hand if a mini excavator is not available. Fill the firebox to approximately 2/3 full, alternating the direction of the materials to create air spaces that assist in burning. Allow the base fire in the firebox to burn until it is about 1/2 full of burning residues and coals.
Then, start the engine and adjust the fan speed according to the fire conditions. Take care not to blow out the fire when advancing the air flow with the green rabbit button on the control panel. Once a solid base of coals is established, signal the mini excavator driver to add more feedstock without smothering the fire.
Once the base fire has stabilized and additional feedstock has been added, set the fan speed to 2, 800 rpm. After that, switch the system power switch to biochar. Then, activate the conveyor and shaker, which will cycle every three minutes automatically.
To maintain continuous biochar production, alternate the system power switch from biochar to firebox. Using the wide rake, pull the biochar to the end of the quench pan, then use the sifting shovel to transfer the biochar from the pan to a pile. Check the pressure gauges on the main control panel when responding to warning strobes.
Turn off the shaker to burn down bound wood or manually advance the conveyor belt counterclockwise at the manual control point to clear a conveyor bind. Based on field trials, the biochar-producing air curtain burner can burn approximately one ton of feedstock per hour and produce carbon content ranging from 70 to 90%