I believe that virtual reality is made to change many things drastically in our society. For example, continued learning, although the term line for this evolution is unknown. The application of an online questionnaire in a specialized forum of VR users allows us to quickly and easily access our community of early adopters from all over the world.
Thanks to VR early adopter consultation and experience analysis, we can establish the likelihood and possibility of a relationship between l-case and ambia. Early VR adopters are ahead of other consumers and the rest of society, and therefore process all the information about the future of VR.The most difficult park of this analysis is acquiring approval of early adopters large enough to administer this study. Before beginning the experiment, design a first draft of the questionnaire.
Include the informed consent on the first page followed by demographic questions that should include single, multiple, and open answers, descriptive information about previous VR experience, as well as the frequency of usage, subjective opinions and attitudes regarding VR and beliefs about the future of VR in education. Give a draft to three social scientists and experts in technology external to the research team to review the experimental design, ethical aspects, and study design. After incorporating any suggestions, design a final version of the questionnaire for submission to the institutional scientific and ethical review committee along with a research report of the project.
To adapt the questionnaire for use on the secure online server, log-in to the main page of an SAAS with a private server as a registered user of the platform. Select new survey and new survey create your survey from scratch and create the questionnaire questions impossible answers. Once the survey has been created and saved return to the main menu of the platform and select the questionnaire.
To make the questionnaire available to participants click open close public survey. Then click link to the survey and select one of the several options by which participants can access the survey. To set-up the study details, log-in into the internet portal as a registered user and create a thread in the VR forum.
Post a hyper link to the survey hosted in the online private server and publish the thread in the forum. To get as many participants as possible is stressed the value of the participation while being clear that the participation is easy and without cost. Select the questionnaire in the SAAS and click results in questionnaire to access the filled out questionnaires.
When the minimum number of questionnaires have been submitted select the questionnaire in the main page of the SAAS and click open close public survey to close the survey to further participation. For statistical analysis of the questionnaire answers select the survey in the main page of the SAAS and click results. In the pop-up menu, click export to select the detailed report options to be exported via email in CSV format.
After receiving the survey data, open the data in an appropriate statistical analysis software program. To access the internal consistency of the questionnaire select the analyze menu scale and reliability analysis and transfer all the variables to the reliability analysis dialogue box. Then click okay to measure the data using Alphas Cronbach.
To perform a descriptive analysis, select analyze menu, descriptive statistics and frequencies to export descriptive statistics such as the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation for the quantitative age variable. Then select analyze descriptive statistics and descriptive to study the frequency distribution within the rest of the variables. To conduct a one-way ANOVA analysis, select analyze menu, compare means, and one-way ANOVA.
In the one-way ANOVA dialogue box, enter age as the factor and enter the rest of the variables as the dependent variables. To conduct a chi-squared test on the contingency tables to test whether or not there is a relationship between the variables, select analyze menu, descriptive statistics, and cross tabs. In the cross tabs dialogue box, transfer one of the nominal or ordinal variables as rows, and the rest of of the variables as columns for each of the variables in the rows to obtain the correlations between each set of variables.
Then click statistics, select the chi-squared, and Somers'd options, and click continue and OK.In this representative analysis, the mean age of the participants was 36.91 with a standard deviation of 6.39 years. No statistically significant gender differences were observed. While more females reported using VR for learning purposes in addition to recreation, the male participants overall used VR more frequently, and had tried more sophisticated VR head mounted displays.
The VR head mounted game counsel users, all of whom were men, were not interested in the use of VR as a learning tool. Suggesting a strong gender difference between entertainment and leisure. Of interest, those participants who felt more optimistic about the future educational possibilities of VR technology were younger than those who did not.
VR is a popular emerging technology that is rolling application as did as it requires a creation of resources that do not yet exist. It will be very interesting to keep studying the experience of early adopters to VR possibilities and its limitation in other areas such as lesson, tune in, communication, medicine. To aid adaptation of VR in education it will be important to guide development of new materials and content.