Autoimmune thyroiditis, the outcome of disease that seriously affects human health. Although there are currently no effective treatment, the animal models provide a platform for studying this disease. This model is easy to construct with simple steps and a high success rate.
It stimulates the autoimmune process with verifying the relationship between our dying and the disease severity. To begin, fix the mouse on the dissection table with pins. To prepare the thyroid tissue sample, dissect the chest wall and expose the heart.
Cut open the right atrium and inject saline intravenously into the left ventricle, using a 20 milliliter syringe until the tissue turns white. Sterilize the neck with 75%ethanol. Using tissue scissors, cut the mouse skin along the neck, midline from the top of the sternum to the mandible, to fully expose the neck tissue.
Locate the submandibular glands and anterior trachea muscle and separate them using ophthalmic scissors and forceps. Once the trachea and thyroid cartilage are exposed, remove tissue under the cartilage using curved forceps. After picking up the cartilage and trachea, cut the distal lens of the cartilage and proximal lens of the trachea.
Then remove the thyroid gland and the trachea. The HE staining showed pathological changes in the thyroid gland, under iodine intake. All the mice developed thyroiditis, even without iodine induction.
However, accelerated development of thyroiditis was observed with increasing sodium iodide concentration. Female mice tend to develop more severe thyroiditis than males under the same condition, but differences in the severity of lymphocytic infiltration were negligible. Thyroglobulin antibody levels were not significantly increased in plain water at 16 weeks of age.
Whereas, sodium iodide supplementation exhibited a comparable rise in antibody levels in male and female mice. The thyroid peroxidase antibodies were found at 24 weeks in regular water;and female mice showed higher levels than males at 72 weeks. However, the 0.05%sodium iodide edition showed the highest antibodies at 64 weeks.
In addition, TSH levels were higher in male than female NODH2 H4 mice;with or without iodide supplementation. Furthermore, the T4 levels showed decreasing tendency to induction time in iodine water. It should be noted that 0.05%sodium at the most suitable concentration to reduce the salt model.
Also, more care should be taken while isolating specimens. Because the mouse cell is relatively small and easily damaged. The establishment of the animal model is helpful for the study of the path genocide and the treatment of autoimmune cell status.
And provides a basis for the development of new treatment method.