Our group conducted a clinical study of early weightbearing rehabilitation after cruciate ligament reconstruction. The aim of this study is to explore the possibility of implementing the ERAS concept in the early rehabilitation of this disease. We developed a standardized and early weightbearing rehabilitation program, and observed its feasibility and effectiveness.
There is no concern on the early weightbearing rehabilitation project after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. However, the early weightbearing rehabilitation can accelerate patients waiting to decide and improve their satisfaction, which is in line with the contemporary concept of enhanced recovery after surgery. The early weightbearing rehabilitation program of our team is safe, effective, and feasible.
The program can improve the daily activity of daily living and patient satisfaction. We found no adverse effects of the protocol on the old and needs stability of the patients. Our findings provide us a theoretical basis for accelerated recovery of the anterior reconstruction, physical can carry out the early weightbearing rehabilitation for the patients to improve their self, their ability, and reduce dependence and the medical costs.