The scope of this study is mainly the clinical effect of seminal duct division assisted by vesiculoscope. In the treatment of seminal duct obstruction caused by seminal duct cysts. We clarify that this procedure employs seminal channel It's a very effective surgical method.
The main challenge currently is that the incidence of ejaculatory duct obstruction caused by ejaculatory duct cysts is very low. And it is difficult to accumulate enough patients to conduct a large number of controlled studies with other surgical procedures. Compared with other surgical methods the method can preserve the distal anatomical structure of the seminal even better.
And is less likely to cause complications of abnormal ejaculation. Abnormal lubrication. And the loss, has a lower increased risk rate of obstruction.
In the future, we'll focus on improving the endoscopic technology. Even more slender and clear endoscopes for the diagnosis and the treatment of seminal disease.