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Production of Cardiac Extracellular Matrix from Adult Human Fibroblasts for Culture Dish Coating

Published: March 22nd, 2024



1Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”, University of Salerno, 2Department of Public Health, University of Naples Federico II

The myocardium is composed of cardiomyocytes and an even greater number of fibroblasts, the latter being responsible for extracellular matrix production. From the early stages of heart development throughout the lifetime, in both normal and pathological conditions, the composition of the extracellular matrix changes and influences myocardium structure and function. The purpose of the method described here is to obtain the substrate for the culture of cardiac cells in vitro (termed cardiac ECM), mimicking the myocardial extracellular matrix in vivo. To this end, fibroblasts isolated from the adult human heart were cultured to confluence on gelatin-coated dishes to produce the myocardium-specific extracellular matrix. The subsequent removal of cardiac fibroblasts, while preserving the deposited cardiac ECM, produced the substrate for studying the influence of the myocardium-specific extracellular matrix on other cells. Importantly, the composition of the fibroblast-derived coating of the culture dish changes according to the in vivo activity of the fibroblasts isolated from the heart, allowing subsequent studies of cell-matrix interactions in different normal and pathological conditions.


Cardiac ECM

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